The convenient narrative

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, February 2: Even yesterday evening, after the IDF already had killed about 50 Palestinians, at least half of them unarmed, and including quite a number of women and children, Jerusalem continued to claim, “At present there will be no major ground operation.” It’s incredible: The IDF penetrates the heart of a crowded…

This is Israel

A Haaretz editorial like no other: Last night, the investigative television program “Fact” broadcast pictures of our own Abu Ghraib affair. It is doubtful whether a country that has grown used to 40 years of occupation, and the stories that accompany it, will be shocked. We have become accustomed to treating the Palestinians as inferior…

Pea-brained Zionists

Zvi Bar’el, Haaretz, February 10: What is Israel’s military strategy in Gaza? That is a question no one raises anymore. There is no strategy. There are retaliatory measures to react to Hamas’ mood.

The rules have changed

Zvi Bar’el, Haaretz, January 27: First there was delight. Senior officials in Israel said that Egypt had taken on this trouble called Gaza. You could almost hear the chadenfreude in their voices. After not wanting to hear about Gaza or its refugees for a generation, Egypt received both, explosively. Now, at last, there will be…

Failure is Israel’s middle name

Gazans are desperately streaming into Egypt to source goods during Israel’s criminal siege. Hamas has been strengthened. Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama proves that running for the highest office in the land means you must defend Israel and vilify the Palestinian population. And yet Israel never learns from history and its current moves against Gaza…

Be careful what you say

Israel has long censored material it deemed sensitive but the situation may soon become even worse: Israeli web culture is known for having an active talkback (web commenting) scene. Every major news site allows users to submit comments for every single one of its stories. Israeli culture at its best and worst thrives through discussions…

Gideon Levy takes centre stage

After one of Israel’s leading journalists, Gideon Levy, won an award this week for a startling article on the Palestinian children killed by the IDF, he said the following about his newspaper, Haaretz: “I think this is a prize for Haaretz. It has once again been recognized as the only platform in Israel that enables…

Siding with brutality

Philip Weiss, January 5: Locked in a long-ago mindset of Holocaust guilt and Exodus triumph, never having visited the Jewish state, most American Jews go along with the Dershowitzes and neoconservative extremists who wish to ensure Israel’s “security” by having the U.S. government build a bloody iron wall in the Arab world. And in stark…

Permission not required

I’ve called Israel many things over the years – rogue state, racist outpost etc – but this may take the prize: Israelis are known for being direct and blunt. But comments made by David Landau, editor of the Israeli daily, Haaretz, to Condoleezza Rice about Israel needing to be “raped” by the U.S. to achieve…

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