Why are the American public not shown the real Palestine?

So who is blame for this dismal poll result? A majority of Americans support Israel and blame Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (PA) for the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, according to a new poll commissioned by The Israel Project. Americans blame the PA for the current conflict in Gaza (56 percent to 18…

Gaza may be becoming a tinder-box

With ongoing reports about extremist activity in the Gaza Strip – and we shouldn’t preclude black-ops by the Israelis to exaggerate the supposed threat – this is unwelcome news: The leader of an al-Qaida-inspired group in the Gaza Strip revealed on Sunday that his men recently tried to assassinate former US president Jimmy Carter and…

Palestinians are being told they shouldn’t get along

When one side of Palestinian politics (Fatah) has been bought and sold by Israel and the Americans, true reconciliation seems very far away: The leader of Hamas has called for Palestinian reconciliation before elections, saying unless his movement is accepted by its rival Fatah, democracy will not lead to unity. Khaled Meshaal, who lives in…

The changing spots of the Gaza Strip under Hamas

During my recent visit to Gaza, I investigated the role of growing Islamisation in the Strip. The New York Times writes today about the story and finds a conflicted territory: Iyad el-Serraj, a psychiatrist and close observer here, said there was little doubt that Gaza, long a religiously and socially conservative place, was increasingly so.…

The Gaza that the world doesn’t want to see

The alleged emergence of al-Qaeda groups in Gaza – possibly backed and funded by Fatah and the Arab states – continues to cause uncertainty in the Strip: Palestinian Hamas authorities on Thursday deployed police heavily on main streets and junctions in the Gaza Strip a few days after two strong blasts hit the city with…

Trying to find normality in the midst of Gaza’s summer

There is nothing normal about life in Gaza. The Israeli and Egyptian-led siege, Fatah and Hamas fighting and poverty. What about trying to make a smoothie (via Kabobfest)? Now that I have been trapped in the Gaza Strip and I am determined to make smoothies here. As you know people in Gaza lose their jobs,…

Palestinian crook looking for Israeli love

Fatah thug Mohammed Dahlan, with a long history of collusion, brutality and corruption, returns to mainstream Palestinian politics (which is highly appropriate really, as Washington and Israel have long admired anybody who can be bought and work for their interests): He ran the Gaza Strip like the Godfather, dispensing brutal punishment and benevolent largess. But…

How Hamas shoots itself in the foot

Inept, racist and bigoted fool: A Hamas spiritual leader on Monday called teaching Palestinian children about the Nazi murder of 6 million Jews a “war crime,” rejecting a suggestion that the U.N. might include the Holocaust in Gaza’s school curriculum… Hamas spiritual leader Younis al-Astal lashed out after hearing that the U.N. Relief and Works…

Survey puts Israel and Zionism under scrutiny

My following article appears in Crikey: Monash University’s Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation has released the preliminary findings of its survey of Australian and New Zealand Jewry in which… 6200 Jewish people answered 144 questions on a variety of subjects, including anti-Semitism, Israel and Zionism, inter-marriage, education and identity. It’s the biggest study of its sort…

One more nation may see sense towards Israel

The new, more liberal Japanese government, throwing the country’s political map into a spin, may shift its policies towards the Middle East. Haaretz reports: Withdrawing from American guardianship could also change Japanese policy toward Israel. Until now, Japan limited its support for the Palestinians to aiding economic projects, in keeping with American requests. The Hatoyama…

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