Ethical ways to end the brutal war on drugs

My interview in the Guardian about my book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, by Jenny Valentish: In August 2018 there was a flurry of headlines about the hypocrisy of middle-class cocaine users, dubbed “the woke who do coke”. Hot takes were prompted by the comments of UK Metropolitan police commissioner…

Legalising and regulating all drugs is the solution

My essay appears in this week’s Sydney Morning Herald: The only way to ensure a safer Australian society is to legalise and regulate all drugs. This could save lives, earn huge revenue for the state and diminish the power of criminal gangs that make billions of dollars annually from the production and sale of illicit…

How Washington has created chaos in Honduras

Honduras is a key nation in the US-backed “war on drugs”. I visited there to report on what this meant for civilians, many of whom flee in fear to the US. Here’s my story in the new US outlet, Filter, covering drugs domestically and globally, on the grin reality in Honduras and why so many…

How the Philippines has been transformed by its war on drugs

My… story in Australian magazine Crikey: President Rodrigo Duterte has maintained a firm grip on the Philippines since being elected in July 2016. Although public support is slipping, due partly to the brutality unleashed by his “war on drugs”, which has seen up to 20,000 people killed in 18 months, the general population still backs the…

Bitcoin Uncensored about the global "war on drugs"

I’m currently working on a new, investigative book on the global “war on drugs” covering vast parts of the world consumed by the drug war (from Honduras to West Africa). It’ll be published by Scribe in Australia, the UK and beyond in 2019. This week I was interviewed by the US podcast, Bitcoin Uncensored, on…

How Donald Trump threatens Obama's baby steps towards the "war on drugs"

My article in US magazine Truthout: President Barack Obama’s drug war legacy is paved with partially good intentions. It differed greatly between his domestic agenda and around the world. The former showed signs of bravery, challenging decades of draconian and counterproductive policy toward drug users and dealers,… reducing… the number of incarcerated men and women across the…

How Washington created disaster in Honduras

My investigation in US magazine Truthout (and my photos from Honduras are here): Members of Indigenous group COPINH protesting in the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa, July 2016. (Photo: Antony Loewenstein) Armed men wearing ski masks suddenly appeared in the distance. On a dirt road in northern Honduras, between the city of Tocoa and the small village…

Centre for Investigative Journalism backs open press in Israel/Palestine

The following statement was released this week by London-based, The Centre for Investigative Journalism,… one of Britain’s leading journalism schools. The statement was then… tweeted by one of the world’s leading press freedom groups, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ): Thursday 22nd December 2016 The CIJ is deeply concerned with media reports from Israel that… Antony Loewenstein’s work…

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