Talking Disaster Capitalism under Trump in NYC

My book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe, has just been released in paperback (via Verso Books). It’s never been more relevant in the age of Trump, privatisation on crack, shadowy wars and abusive immigration policies. Last week in New York, I launched the book at the great Manhattan bookstore, Mcnally Jackson. In…

Imprisoning refugees remains big business

In January, my book, Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe, was published globally in a paperback edition by Verso.…  I wrote a piece for my publisher’s popular blog this week on the ever-growing industry of privatised immigration: The unaccountability of privatised immigration had rarely been so brazen. Australia is the only country in…

Cups of Nun Chai project aims to remember Kashmir

Back in 2011 I participated in the project, Cups of Nun Chai, started by writer and artist Alana Hunt in Australia. Its aim was to commemorate the horrific killings of civilians in Kashmir. Now, years later, the Kashmir Reader newspaper is publishing it all… including my meeting with Alana: This participatory memorial, by artist… Alana Hunt, emerged…

How Washington created disaster in Honduras

My investigation in US magazine Truthout (and my photos from Honduras are here): Members of Indigenous group COPINH protesting in the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa, July 2016. (Photo: Antony Loewenstein) Armed men wearing ski masks suddenly appeared in the distance. On a dirt road in northern Honduras, between the city of Tocoa and the small village…

Behind the Headlines interview on "fake news" and independent journalism

Late last year I was interviewed from Jerusalem by veteran Australian journalist and campaigner Julie Macken, for her radio program Behind the Headlines, about “fake news” and my experiences as a journalist over the last decade in Israel/Palestine, South Sudan, Afghanistan and beyond. My interview begins around 15:50 (with a few scratchy sound issues via…

Israeli paper Haaretz investigates free speech in Israel/Palestine

The following article by Allison Kaplan Sommer appears in Israeli newspaper Haaretz today (PDF here: bds-ties-could-put-israel-based-australian-journalist-in-hot-water-israel-news-haaretz-com): Australian journalist Antony Loewenstein’s ability to live and work in Israel has been thrown into question due to his support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. The Government Press Office, which issued Loewenstein a press card last March,…

Centre for Investigative Journalism backs open press in Israel/Palestine

The following statement was released this week by London-based, The Centre for Investigative Journalism,… one of Britain’s leading journalism schools. The statement was then… tweeted by one of the world’s leading press freedom groups, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ): Thursday 22nd December 2016 The CIJ is deeply concerned with media reports from Israel that… Antony Loewenstein’s work…

Australia's biggest media union supports free speech in Israel

In the last 24 hours the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) union, Australia’s leading media union representing the country’s best journalists, (I’ve been a member since 2003/2004), has sent the following letter to the Israeli Ambassador in Australia, the Australian Ambassador in Israel, Dave Sharma, and the Israeli Government Press Office:  His Excellency…

The limits of open debate in today's Israel

The following article appears in the Electronic Intifada by Ali Abunimah: Israel is threatening to expel an Australian journalist in Jerusalem, accusing him of being a supporter of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. The threat against Antony Loewenstein comes after the freelance journalist asked a question about Israeli apartheid at a press conference…

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