Kiss me authority figure

Niv Horesh, lecturer in Chinese studies at the University of NSW, writes in today’s Australian newspaper about Jews who signed the Gaza statement by Independent Australian Jewish Voices: Take China specialist Linda Jaivin, for example, who is no stranger to the ANU. I am sure she would have loved Doron’s article, having just blasted Israel…

Israel, you’ve gone too far

My latest article for New Matilda is about Israel’s lies in Gaza: The international Jewish community is divided over the latest offensive in Gaza, writes Antony Loewenstein When the fighting eventually ends between Israel and Hamas, what will remain of the Gaza Strip and its people? One local Zionist leader will have us believe that…

Jewish community divided over Israeli/Hamas conflict

The following article, by Michael Rogers, appears in today’s Sydney Wentworth Courier newspaper: A senior Israeli diplomat has called on Australian Jews protesting against Israel’s military action in the Gaza Strip to visit the conflict zone and see the Israeli people’s suffering for themselves. More than 120 prominent Jewish Australians, including anti-Zionist author Antony Loewenstein…

An important role for independent Jewish voices

The following letters appear in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Hats off to the Independent Australian Jewish Voices for a sane and reasonable statement (“Australian Jews protest against Israel’s action“, January 6). If Israeli settlers and citizens honestly believe that their Government’s current policies will ensure the safety and prosperity of their grandchildren in 2059, then…

Australian Jews slam Gaza invasion as ”˜abominable’

The following article, in the leading global Jewish news service JTA, appeared yesterday: An Australian Jewish group slammed Israel’s invasion of Gaza as “inhuman,” “superfluous,” and “abominable.” Independent Australian Jewish Voices, an off-shoot of the British group founded in February 2007, said in a statement this week that while Israel has the right to self-defense,…

Australian Jews condemn Israel’s attack on Gaza

The following article, from Agence France-Presse, is published in today’s Australian: More than 100 Australian Jews have condemned Israel’s invasion of Gaza, describing the action as “inhuman” and “abominable.” They include two authors and a former federal minister. “We are Australian Jews who join thousands in Israel and around the world condemning ongoing Israeli military…

Gaza bloggers report from the ground

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Despite Israeli denials, a humanitarian crisis in Gaza is clear and vast numbers of civilians are being bombed and fired upon by invading forces. As The New York Times reports, hospitals, such as Shifa, are struggling with multiple amputations and scant resources. Gisha, an Israeli human…

Australian Jews slam ‘inhuman’ Gaza conflict

The following story appears on the ABC today: More than 100 Australian Jews have signed a letter describing Israel’s military action in Gaza as disproportionate. The letter has been written by the group Independent Australian Jewish Voices. Among the signatories is the former Whitlam government MP Moss Cass, the writer Linda Jaivin, and the New…

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