Chinese man online; I’m a slave please help me

How the internet is slowly but significantly changing the face of China, bringing to the public the massive social issues caused by Beijing’s oppressive policies: The photo was taken on September 3 in Beijing. In the photo, Professor Yang Zhizhu from China Youth University for Political Sciences is holding a placard to… sell himself as a…

The wannabe porn Zionist

Reclaiming what is theirs: Israel’s foreign Ministry has acquired the @Israel username on Twitter, the social networking site, from the Spanish owner of adult porn sites. The Spaniard, who now lives in Miami, Florida, is called Israel Melendez and he set up the account for free in 2007, when Twitter was still a relatively new…

Better Tweeting ain’t gonna solve Israel’s massive image problem

This is as tragic as comical. When will the Zionist lobby realise that more “effective” PR isn’t the answer to their problems? Until Israel changes its behaviour, the label “apartheid state” will be an understatement: An Australian plan to spread good news about Israel via social media will be presented at an upcoming international Jewish…

“Gaffes” by IDF soldiers

Rupert Murdoch’s publishes this AP story that is surely designed to make the reader feel sorry for the Israeli state; they just can’t keep “secrets” secret anymore. The poor dears. What on earth should soldiers occupying the Palestinians do with their spare time? The security obsessed Israeli military is confronting a new adversary –…

A little Wikileaks backlash (but missing the real target)

So it begins. The Pentagon warns Wikileaks not to release any more information, as the group is now threatening. Not something to be taken seriously, considering the source. Then there’s Reporters Without Borders issuing an open letter to Julian Asssange asking him to be far more careful in the future when releasing information and not…

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