Google appears in the middle of a war zone

Is there anywhere on the planet that Google doesn’t exist? It spread across the web like a wildfire: Google chief Eric Schmidt visited Baghdad today. Yes, just like a statesman. He attended a ceremony with the US Ambassador to Iraq, Christopher Hill, at Iraq’s national museum, where he announced that the search giant would post…

Twitter is so not Beijing’s bag

China, we are listening, can you hear us? When Barack Obama told students in Shanghai last week that he had never used Twitter, there were two responses. In the west, surprise from some of his 2.6 million followers. And in China, reportedly, a surge in queries on Google China: “What’s Twitter?” On the mainland, it…

Have you had your shot of Twitter juice today?

Twitter, the drug of the (largely young and modern) nation: Britain’s 5.5 million Twitter users are younger than average members of the public, slightly more likely to vote Labour, and distinctly more liberal, according to a survey published today. They are also more likely to live in London, less likely to live in the north…

When causing chaos moves to the online world

A new way to wage war and guess who is at the forefront? Warning of a “cyber arms race,” top web security firm McAfee says that China, France, Israel, Russia and the United States have developed cyber weapons. “McAfee began to warn of the global cyber arms race more than two years ago, but now…

Banning Gmail won’t solve Iran’s problems

The Iranian regime, already isolated internationally (well, the West doesn’t like her) continues to arrest dissenters. But this news places the country in the dubious role of copying China’s most draconian web censorship: On Wednesday, authorities temporarily blocked all access to e-mail programs such as Gmail and Yahoo during the demonstrations to prevent people from…

Not everyone in Iran is green

Opposition to the Iranian regime is real and continues to display remarkable tenacity in the face of brutal repression. But, reports Graeme Wood in the Atlantic, there appears still to be massive support for the status-quo: In the center of the street, the Quds Day protesters flowed toward me on foot, in groups representing different…

Anniversary of the Islamic Republic has show of strength

The cry for freedom in Iran (from us, the West and a brutal dictatorship) continues: It was meant to be a highlight of the Iranian revolutionary calendar, a day of mass rallies sponsored by the government to showcase contempt for America and the West. But the official commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the storming…

Threatened Voices are not forgotten

Because we need to hear the voices of imprisoned media workers everywhere. Global Voices continues its vital work: Never before have so many people been threatened or imprisoned for what the words they write on the internet. As activists and ordinary citizens have increasingly made use of the internet to express their opinions and connect…

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