Why the web is breaking down Zionist tribalism

Following our recent video shot in Jerusalem on Americans, Jews, settlements and bigotry, one of the makers, David Jacobus, responds on Mondoweiss to some of the criticisms directed at us: As a contributor to the film Cruel but Necessary: Israeli Opinions about the Settlements and Obama, I wanted to add some perspective on the debates…

Let the masses through the media gates

The Guardian editor has a vision for a viable, media future: [Alan] Rusbridger also laid out his vision of what he called “mutualised news,” which he said would “take down the walls” of traditional media companies by distributing information through new means such as social networking site Twitter and by asking the public to get…

You can’t stop the real flow of information

The crusading website Wikileaks scores another win: Today Chief Justice Gordon Ward lifted a gag order which had prevented publishers and broadcasters from mentioning ‘corruption report’ and ‘WikiLeaks’ in the same sentence. The order, first issued on Saturday against 11 media companies, and reissued last night, has lead to bizarre press coverage, where WikiLeaks was…

The tyranny of the web cloud

Jonathan Zittrain writes in the New York Times about the web’s future: Earlier this month Google announced a new operating system called Chrome. It’s meant to transform personal computers and handheld devices into single-purpose windows to the Web. This is part of a larger trend: Chrome moves us further away from running code and storing…

Orwell is missing in action

When irony dies, this is what happens: In George Orwell’s “1984,” government censors erase all traces of news articles embarrassing to Big Brother by sending them down an incineration chute called the “memory hole.” On Friday, it was “1984” and another Orwell book, “Animal Farm,” that were dropped down the memory hole — by Amazon.com.…

Money needed for the media future

Get ready for the pay as you go revolution: The Financial Times editor, Lionel Barber, has predicted that “almost all” news organisations will be charging for online content within a year… And “real” journalists are what matter in this new, media landscape: Barber made a distinction between “crafted” journalism and blogs “largely based on opinion…

Being out and proud in the Arab world

The issue of homosexuality in the Arab world is a touchy one, often ignored, shunned or ridiculed. There is progress, but it’s slow and painful: The first gay book to have been ever translated into Arabic after being originally printed in English has run into problems straight off the press.… The book,… Gay Travels in the Muslim…

Nokia should be far more careful

We reported some time ago on the complicity of Nokia in the recent Iranian crackdown. Western multinationals have become pretty good at working with authoritarian regimes (witness Yahoo!, Google and Microsoft in China.) But now a backlash: The mobile phone company Nokia is being hit by a growing economic boycott in Iran as consumers sympathetic…

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