The Independent Weekly examines Blogging book

The following book review of The Blogging Revolution, in Adelaide’s Independent Weekly, was published by Kate Lockett on August 29: Did you know that Iran has around one million bloggers, that Farsi is in the top five languages used on the internet or that 20 per cent of Saudi Arabians are now online? Australian journalist…

What, there was life before the net?

Sometimes, the power of Google Earth is staggering: German scientists using satellite images posted online by the Google Earth software program have observed something that has escaped the notice of farmers, herders and hunters for thousands of years: Cattle grazing or at rest tend to orient their bodies in a north-south direction just like a…

How web rights are coming

My new book, The Blogging Revolution, is officially released on September 1. Over the coming weeks and months there will be extensive coverage and discussion both here in Australia and internationally (all of it covered on this site and the book’s website). As a great start, here’s a post from Harvard University’s Berkman Centre for…

1984 24/7

George Orwell, my favourite author, has had his diaries placed on a blog. According to Jean Seaton, a professor at the University of Westminster in London who administers the Orwell writing prize and thought up the idea of the blog, “I think he would have been a blogger.”

The web will not be the saviour

The co-editor of Global Voices, Ethan Zuckerman, is interviewed about his thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of the internet (clue: we have a long way to go to truly integrate a worldwide population into the technology): I think one of the things that’s most exciting about the Internet revolution is this idea that we…

Together we stand

This is the only kind of solidarity against web censorship that can pressure governments to re-consider their authoritarian ways: Turkish bloggers are closing their websites to protest against courts banning dozens of mainstream sites for carrying content deemed “immoral” or insulting to Turkey’s founding father. A grassroots “censuring the censors” movement has formed over the…

The Blogging Revolution lands

My following essay appears in today’s Weekend Australian newspaper: The young online tribe is more interested in discussing sex, drugs and rock’n’roll than political revolution, writes Antony Loewenstein Early last month, some Iranian members of parliament voted to debate a draft bill that aimed to “toughen punishment for disturbing mental security in society” by adding…

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