No, Bibi, Iran only threatens your self-importance

Israel doesn’t really learn very well. After the outgoing Mossad chief said that Iran isn’t really a threat now or in the foreseeable future, here’s Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu saying the exact opposite. He’s best ignored. Better still, mocked: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told foreign journalists Tuesday that the American diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks…

So sorry authoritarian state, America still loves you

What’s a super-power to do when trying to keep good relationships with dictatorships and brutish men? Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in the Middle East for meetings with Persian Gulf leaders, acknowledged Sunday that it would take years to undo the damage caused by the WikiLeaks revelations, likening her recent travels to an extended…

Department of Justice selective outrage over Wikileaks

Here’s the hypocrisy. If Iran demanded Twitter release direct messages of a user, the US government would be outraged. But of course double-standards are the name of the game here: A member of parliament in Iceland who is also a former WikiLeaks volunteer says the US justice department has ordered Twitter to hand over her…

What is the role of the state when “secrets” are revealed?

Leakers pay a price in American culture. The greatest fear of Washington is thinking individuals inside government who know some things are simply wrong; a moral conscience is the only way forward: A former CIA officer has been indicted on charges of disclosing national security secrets after being accused of leaking classified information about Iran…

If you’re Iranian and don’t love Israel, watch out

This is all too comical and pathetic and yet this is what has happened to some of my people. Outright hatred and bigotry in the service of Zionism: Here’s something curious, via the National Iranian American Council (NIAC). It seems Stanford professor Jeffrey Ullman harbors some antipathy toward Iranian students as evinced by his negative…

Israel looks at Iran approvingly

So here we are. As the Israeli Knesset starts investigations into left-wing groups that dare question Zionist occupation and war, web censorship is now happening at the country’s only international airport. Perhaps Tel Aviv looks at Tehran and would like advice how to block “offensive” websites: Internet sites of political organizations, both left-wing and right-wing,…

Ahmadinejad as the moderate

Really: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sought some kind of nuclear fuel swap deal more than a year ago, but faced internal pressures from hard-liners who viewed it as a “virtual defeat,” according to US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks. The report, available on the WikiLeaks website Tuesday, also suggested Iran trusted the United States more…

Washington and Israel preparing to bomb Iran (to peace, of course)

The Wikileaks revelations just keep on coming, this time from Aftenposten. Barack Obama wanting to assist Israel strike Iran? Yes (via Richard Silverstein): Wikileaks cable describes a November, 2009 meeting between a high-level delegation of Israeli and American political, military and intelligence operatives. … On the agenda was the U.S. delivery of 100 bunker-buster bombs to…

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