And they wonder why they lost

A fascinating story in GQ magazine about the incompetence and arrogance of Donald Rumsfeld. An excerpt: Shortly before the Iraq invasion, King Abdullah II of Jordan decreed that warplanes could not overfly his country if they had previously flown over Israel. The king’s demand meant that U.S. fighters would need to make a multiple-hour detour…

We should be so proud of our liberation

Iraq remains in dire shape, despite what many in the media are saying. Take the ever-increasing stories of religiously-decreed rulings against homosexuals. One Iraqi human rights activist says: Iraqi militias are deploying an unprecedented new form of torture against homosexuals, which involves inserting a particularly strong adhesive into the anus (of the victim) and sealing…

Oh well, no harm done

The former deputy head of MI6 now says that Britain was “dragged into a war in Iraq which was always against our better judgment.” Better late than never. The official British position, however, remains hilariously delusional.

This is the new major Zionist lobby

Israel lobby J Street in the US is a mixed bag. Its recent statement on Israeli Independence Day is pretty lame and can’t even mention the Palestinians by name. There’s no doubt, however, that the Zionist lobby needs to be challenged. But this statement, just sent to supporters, is an interesting document, an attempt to…

Keep praising those brave IDF boys

Here’s the deal. Zionist Labor MP Michael Danby – an elected politician who seems to love Israel like a beautiful woman and challenge anybody who dares damn Zionist ideology – has complained about an ABC TV program that raised the recent Gaza war. War crimes were committed, but Danby and his media mates won’t tolerate…

Perhaps they should have their balls electrocuted now

A few words about torture from somebody who would know. Major Matthew Alexander personally conducted 300 interrogations of prisoners in Iraq: The reason why foreign fighters joined al-Qa’ida in Iraq was overwhelmingly because of abuses at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and not Islamic ideology. It plays into the hands of al-Qa’ida in Iraq because it…

Twittering in Baghdad

Jeremy Scahill wonders about the priorities of the Obama administration: The U.S. State Department has announced it is sponsoring a “New Media Technology” delegation to Iraq to “explore new opportunities to support Iraqi government and non-government stakeholders in Iraq’s emerging new media industry.” Of all of the areas in Iraq in desperate need of attention,…

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