Time Out Sydney on blogging

My following article is published in this week’s Time Out Sydney magazine: In the years after September 11, 2001, I was constantly frustrated by the failure of the Western media to examine the real reasons behind the attacks. It was as if only a Western journalist’s filter was allowed to see the post 9/11 world.…

How to make progress in the MSM

Journalist Judith Miller, who disgraced her profession and the New York Times by publishing countless bogus stories about Iraq’s non-existent WMDs, has been hired by Fox News. It fits. A liar now works for the master of fiction.

This is done in our name

Evan Knappenberger, who served one year in Iraq with the Army 4th Infantry Division, spoke last weekend in Portland, Oregon with other returned soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan: We are responsible as soldiers, we are murderers of over one million Iraqis. I participated in burglary, trespassing, knowledgeable negligence, criminal assault and battery, rape by association,…

Getting through a tough day

A young female, Iraqi blogger, Sunshine, writes about celebrating the end of Ramadan and daily life in the country away from the “success of the surge” Western media. Death still haunts this land.

How to make terrorists, part 1

Since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the US military reports it has captured about 200,000 Iraqis, with some 96,000 of these being held at one time or another in US prisons in Iraq.

Remembering the old days

A recently released book, My Father’s Paradise: A Son’s Search for His Jewish Past in Northern Iraq, tells of a land where Jews, Christians and Muslims mixed relatively peacefully many years ago. How times have changed.

How to report the carnage

The two sides of media in Iraq: From the West: The number of foreign journalists in Baghdad is declining sharply, a media withdrawal that reflects Iraq’s growing stability and the financial strains faced by some news organizations. In a stark indication of the changing media focus here, the number of journalists traveling with American forces…

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