Sane Jews slapping crazy Jews

William Kristol is a leading neo-conservative, Jewish commentator who advocated the invasion of Iraq and whose ideal Middle East is multiple wars against Islamic “fascists”. He must be disappointed with George W. Bush’s hesitations. Tragically, the Jewish community has allowed people like Kristol to speak for them on matters of national security, despite the majority…

Refusing orders

The story about Iraq that you’ve never read: In what has been described as one of the most remarkable stories of the entire Iraq war, a reporter from the Army Times has given perhaps the first inside account of how an Army unit committed mutiny and refused to carry out orders in Iraq. The incident…

Killing from the air

America has greatly expanded its aerial assault against Iraq and Afghanistan. Not that you’d read that in the mainstream media. The blogosphere reveals all.

A great loss

The recent murder of Iraqi blogger Ali Shafeya Al-Moussawi, a contributor to the fascinating video blog Alive in Baghdad, reminds us of the real dangers in the war-torn country (notwithstanding deluded Murdoch commentators telling us otherwise.) Like many bloggers around the world, Ali’s death is a loss to everybody in the blogging community. As the…

The role of journalists, part 253

Journalists are increasingly paying the ultimate price for simply doing their job: The number of journalists killed worldwide spiked to the highest number in more than a decade, with nearly half killed in Iraq, according to an analysis by the Committee to Protect Journalists, a New York-based independent organization that compiles information on the deaths…

This is what liberation looks like

Journalist Dahr Jamail, author of the stunning Beyond the Green Zone, reflects on the mainstream media’s acceptance of White House talking points over Iraq: It is true that there have been fewer American soldiers killed in Baghdad and the number of Iraqis fleeing to Syria has declined. However, this relatively quieter security situation needs to…

Blackwater killers

US military contractor Blackwater are a rule unto themselves (as I discussed some months ago.) Now further evidence that its actions in Iraq are akin to a rabid dog off the leash.

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