How Fox News serves us daily a whole heap of goodness

2011 has been a Fox News year with a Muslim American President, socialism in the class room, terrorists in the White House and: Elie Wiesel, Mr Murdoch, is a Holocaust survivor but he has used his fame to care about all kinds of causes (including, according to Norman Finkelstein, exploiting groups and firms involved in…

When Zionist nationalists jump into bed with the far Right

This is an area covered throughout the recently released book, On Utoya, and my contribution covers how the Norway killer Anders Breivik rather loved Israel in his manifesto. This piece in American Jewish newspaper Forward highlights this disturbingly growing alliance between hardline Zionism and neo-Nazis (yes, you read that right): Economic upheaval and strife in…

How French Jews are embracing an anti-Muslim, French bigot named Marine Le Pen

Tablet reports on how blind love for Zionism and hatred of Islam has become a toxic mix: Since its inception in the 1970s, the Front National has wrapped itself in the repellent rags of traditional French anti-Semitism. The series of outrageous… dérapages, or verbal slips, of the movement’s founder and longtime leader Jean-Marie Le Pen—Marine’s father—are…

How Romania became key site for Washington’s torture plans

“Democratic” America post 9/11 (via Associated Press): In northern Bucharest, in a busy residential neighborhood minutes from the heart of the capital city, is a secret the Romanian government has long tried to protect. For years, the CIA used a government building — codenamed “Bright Light” — as a makeshift prison for its most valuable…

What’s a senior Murdoch editor to do apart from slam Muslims?

Another week and another column by a Melbourne Herald Sun editor Alan Howe on just how dysfunctional is the Middle East, Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians, Islamists etc. The man has form. Yes, this is what countless Zionist lobby trips to Israel do to a Murdoch man. Hatred Inc: In Arab lands, like-minded, militant Islamists abound. Some…

Don’t be surprised that Islamophobes see Zionism as friend

The mainstream normalisation of anti-Muslim hatred is finding friends in the most predictable of places; Israel. This is something discussed in the new e-book On Utoya. This piece in Israeli paper Haaretz offers a worrying new development: Marine Le Pen hit the jackpot. She invited about 100 diplomats to a luncheon last week during a…

Murdoch editor loathes Palestinians and that’s just fine

Herald Sun senior editor Alan Howe loathes Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians and anybody who doesn’t embrace US foreign policy. Today he takes his hatred even further. “Journalism”, Murdoch style: There was some truth told last week, and the usual suspects – devious and untrustworthy – found it most uncomfortable. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural…

Israel doesn’t mind sleeping with Europe’s virulent Right

The growing connection between the Far Right and Zionism is highlighted in my essay in the recently released e-book On Utoya. This story in Haaretz is therefore fascinating, and makes me wonder if the “acceptable” face of the racist Right is viewed as a prospective ally of Israel because of the mutual loathing of Muslims:…

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