Liberation for everybody (except Palestinians)

What a wonderfully mature way to support the Palestinians under occupation. Sigh: The Greens candidate tipped to take the once-safe Labor seat of Marrickville from the Deputy Premier, Carmel Tebbutt, in the state election has been targeted in a mural over her council’s decision to boycott Israel. Marrickville Council’s support for the global Boycott, Divestment…

The Muslim Brotherhood are normal people

Yes, that may come as a shock to Israel and many Zionists alike but this interesting piece in McClatchy explains why so many of them in Egypt will be involved in the future of their country, as they should be: In the midst of Egypt’s turmoil, the Brotherhood issued statements saying it wouldn’t field a…

Can’t tell the difference between Hitler and Muslims?

Perhaps it’s in the job contract when you want to be a senior Murdoch executive; dislike Muslims and defame them regularly. The Herald Sun’s Alan Howe has form, seemingly finding democracy for Arabs a serious problem because it may affect Zionist occupation. He’s back with a new column headlined: “Picking up where Adolf left off“,…

Finland wants to kill Muslims to get far with UN

Thank you, Wikileaks: According to Wikileaks cables acquired by YLE, Finland has made deals to exchange votes with other countries in an effort to get a place on the United Nations Security Council. If Israel votes for Finland to join the Security Council in 2013, then Finland will vote for Israel to join in 2019.…

When racism is part of the Australian mainstream

Shameful: The opposition immigration spokesman, Scott Morrison, urged the shadow cabinet to capitalise on the electorate’s growing concerns about ”Muslim immigration”, “Muslims in Australia” and the “inability” of Muslim migrants to integrate. Mr Morrison’s suggestion was made at a meeting in December at which ministers were asked to bring three ideas for issues on which…

Because the Middle East needs so much more US involvement

Just what the Middle East needs; more meddling in its affairs, because the current state of the region shows a wonderfully happy place. Only in America could “stability” be defined as backing Zionist occupation and Arab dictatorships: There’s a raging debate on Capitol Hill surrounding huge cuts to foreign aid funding proposed in the House…

Sensible American writer who doesn’t loathe political Islam

Roger Cohen in a very powerful column today in the New York Times: Perhaps the most effective antidote to 9/11 will prove to be 2/11, the day Hosni Mubarak conceded the game was up with his 30-year-old dictatorship and left town under military escort for the beach. We’ve tried invasions of Muslim lands. We’ve tried…

ABCTV News 24 on Egypt and Wikileaks

I was a guest on last night’s ABCTV News 24’s The Drum alongside Sue Cato and the Daily Telegraph’s Joe Hilderbrand (video here). One of the main areas of discussion was the Egyptian revolution and just how good it felt. I argued that it was vital for us in the West to understand that Egypt’s…

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