Sri Lanka and Israel continue to cross paths

From Sri Lanka’s Daily Mirror, an insight into the workings of the UN: According to Sri Lanka Foreign Ministry sources, Pakistan and Malaysia were two of the main countries…  among the Muslim countries of…  Non Aligned Movement (NAM)…  which were reluctant to place their signatures to the…  letter signed by the member countries opposing the…

When killing “enemies” is the default media position

A leading British former counter-terrorism official says that his country’s “war on terror” has been an abject failure, alienated Muslims and increased the chances of terrorism. The CIA’s former top counter-terrorism official claims that the use of contracting in the “war on terror” is a good thing and Washington’s post 9/11 posture has been one…

Helpful hints for American reporters (Israel=bad, Arabs=bad)

Following the firing of a CNN journalist for daring to praise the recently deceased Lebanese religious leader Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, it’s clear that American corporate television allows anti-Arab statements to run 24/7, but dare say something that may upset the Zionist lobby or Israel, and you’ll be gone. Here’s (former AIPAC employee) CNN’s Wolf…

This is how to cut your hair and be a good Muslim

Absurd: Iran has unveiled haircuts that according to officials are in line with Iranian and Islamic principles. The new haircut models approved by Iran’s Culture Ministry are aimed at preventing haircuts deemed “Western” among Iranian youth. Barbers and men with haircuts considered “Western” and fashionable have been warned in recent years.

How we are helping Islamists

Dissenting British historian Mark Curtis has a record of skewering the realities of his country’s foreign policy. We don’t just work with the “enemy”; we’ve become the enemy. His latest: When the London bombers struck five years ago, many people blamed the invasion of Iraq for inspiring them. But the connection between 7/7 and British…

Just what is Washington getting from Israel?

Thaddeus Russell, The Daily Beast: The history of Israel and its relationship with the U.S. is infinitely complex, but there’s one damning fact that’s ignored as often as The Question: There was not a single act of Arab terrorism against Americans before 1968, when the U.S. became the chief supplier of military equipment and economic…

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