Can we just exclude Palestinians entirely?

Peace in our time? No chance, says this pro-settler, Zionist lobby in the US (post the recent Fatah conference in Bethlehem): “This conference made it crystal clear,” said Zionist Organization of America President Morton Klein, that “peace is not possible with Hamas or Fatah.”

Jew urges Australia to stick head in the sand

Yet another response in today’s Melbourne Age after former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser’s comments about engaging Hamas and other highly sensible suggestions. This one Jew ain’t happy at all: Former prime minster Malcolm Fraser’s call for the Australian Government to engage with Hamas (Comment, 11/8) is as misguided as it is misleading. Even more disturbing…

Australian Jew loves colonies and wants to build more and more

Ron Weiser, former President of the Zionist Federation of Australia, is an irregular writer for the Australian Jewish News. His latest column is a real gem, issuing predictably pro-settler sentiments, bashing Barack Obama and urging a hardline against anything even vaguely pro-Palestinian: Returning from Israel, it is interesting to note just how different the situation…

The Zionist lobby’s bastard child

I wrote this morning about Orly Taitz, the woman behind the Obama “fake” birth certificate controversy. Now some more about this mysterious woman: Orly Taitz claims that she is merely a “lawyer,” with a purely “legal” interest in the details of Obama’s birth, but I obviously suspect there’s more to her Obama birth obsession than…

What some radical Jews need to hear

After the New York Times editorialised about the Middle East peace process and essentially repeated Obama administration talking points, the Los Angeles Times, while equally believing in the impossible two-state solution, challenges the Zionist spokespeople who claim Obama is anti-Israel: Evenhandedness usually is considered to be a positive attribute in diplomacy, but when it comes…

When the lobby likes to tell lies

The following letter appeared in the Australian Jewish News on July 10: Last week a member of the Jewish community was slandered in the media but I’m not expecting Jamie Hyams’ “Media Week” column to point out the glaring unfairness of the description. Why? Because the person was the community’s enfant terrible, Antony Loewenstein. I…

Gazans deserve being bombed to death

The recent visit to Israel by Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister and a bunch of Murdoch columnists has clearly paid off for the Zionist lobby. Witness this piece by a Melbourne Murdoch editor, Alan Howe: The people of Gaza are set to be the first to bomb themselves back to the Stone Age. Serves them right……

We stand for reason and true balance

An interesting example of an American Congresswomen not blindly following the hardline, AIPAC stance: At a town hall meeting in late June in suburban Maryland, Rep. Donna Edwards’s tight rope walk was on full display. Edwards had come to White Oak Middle School to speak with the gathered crowd about her recent trip to Israel…

Acknowledging the Palestinian problem

Will the Zionist lobby complain about the US making this necessary move? The State Department confirmed today that as many as 1,350 Iraqi Palestinians – once the well-treated guests of Saddam Hussein and now at outs with much of Iraqi society – will be resettled in the US, mostly in southern California, starting this fall.…

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