The weak Jewish nation

The Israel Lobby co-author Stephen M. Walt, Foreign Policy blog: …I cannot help but be struck by how little confidence Freeman’s critics seem to have in Israel itself. Apparently they believe that a country that recently celebrated its 60th birthday, whose per capita income ranks 29th in the world, that has several hundred nuclear weapons,…

Let the struggle continue

MJ Rosenberg on the power, or lack thereof, of the Zionist lobby: The campaign to defeat Chas Freeman’s appointment as chair of the National Intelligence Council succeeded. He withdrew his name yesterday. But it may come at a cost. The perception, almost universally held, that he was brought down because he is a strong and…

Academic’s visit divides Jewish groups

The following story by Andrew West appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: A leading Jewish publication stands accused of censorship after cancelling an advertisement for a series of lectures to be delivered by a visiting Israeli human rights campaigner. The publisher of The Australian Jewish News, Robert Magid, confirmed that he had pulled an ad…

It’s Israel, Israel, Israel

Israel runs one of the most aggressive and damaging espionage networks targeting the US, yet public discussion about it is almost zero. This reality makes the saga of Chas Freeman even more unbelievable: Charles “Chas” Freeman, Obama’s pick to head the National Intelligence Council, has withdrawn from contention for the job. The Daily Beast’s Max…

The lobby is far from dead and buried

The Zionist lobby strikes again: In a dramatic conclusion to a building political fight over his selection as the U.S. intelligence community’s top analyst, former U.S. Ambassador Charles “Chas” W. Freeman, Jr., asked that the appointment not proceed, the director of national intelligence, Dennis C. Blair, announced Tuesday. Freeman, 66, is a widely experienced former…

Stay home Hillary, if that’s all you got

My latest New Matilda column is about the Obama administration’s first foray into the Middle East: On Palestine it’s hard to tell the difference between Obama and Bush. But while the US and Israel block progress, there are small signs of movement, writes Antony Loewenstein The number of people who believe in the two-state solution…

Hold the champagne for a few decades

Friend John R sends a link to this bleak blog post by Jim Lobe from IPS with a comment: Jim Lobe writes that Secretary Clinton sees a settlement through a Fatah lens and will ignore Arab public opinion on Hamas. He sees the dead hand of Dennis Ross on rallying Sunnis against Iran. This is…

If you want progress, do this now

Will the US soon embrace “terrorists”? Looks like it (as without engaging Hamas, peace in the Middle East is literally impossible, something that pleases the Zionist lobby no end): US Middle East Envoy George Mitchell expressed support for Egyptian efforts to forge a Palestinian national unity government, indicating that America could take a new tack…

Destroying Palestine with American help

President Barack Obama, as friendly to corporate criminals as any other leader before him: Over the objections of church groups, peace organizations and human rights activists, President Barack Obama decided to return to Illinois to visit the headquarters of the Caterpillar company, which for years has violated international law, U.S. law and its own code…

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