Mainstream beware

Zogby International polling reveals that the American public aren’t too fond of the mainstream media: Two thirds of Americans – 67% – believe traditional journalism is out of touch with what Americans want from their news, a new We Media/Zogby Interactive poll shows. The survey also found that while most Americans (70%) think journalism is…

Take cover

After winning an Oscar for his documentary Taxi to the Dark Side, Alex Gibney has a new target in his sights: The filmmaker who won an Academy Award Sunday night for best documentary is next turning his attention to the Jack Abramoff scandal, including GOP presidential candidate John McCain’s role in investigating the affair. Alex…

Killing for cash

The global arms industry is one of the most insidious businesses in the world. But the American political elite is addicted to the rewards.

What they think of the US of A

Voices without Votes is a new project that “opens a window on what non-Americans are saying in blogs and citizen media about US foreign policy and the 2008 presidential elections.” Take a Haitian blogger on the US election or the Arab world on Barack Obama and religion.

What real election?

John Pilger, January 23: Barack Obama is a glossy Uncle Tom who would bomb Pakistan. Hillary Clinton, another bomber, is anti-feminist. John McCain’s one distinction is that he has personally bombed a country. They all believe the US is not subject to the rules of human behaviour, because it is “a city upon a hill”,…

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