UK Telegraph newspaper reviews Pills, Powder and Smoke

The UK Telegraph is a conservative newspaper but thankfully positively reviewed my new book, Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs, last weekend, giving it 4 stars out of 5. The review is by Colin Freeman: Do modern drug dealers have a conscience? Browse the dark web for cocaine these days, and…

In solidarity with Julian Assange and Wikileaks

I’m honoured to have signed this statement, alongside some of the world’s best journalists, in support of Julian Assange and the vital work of Wikileaks since 2006: Julian Assange, founder and publisher of WikiLeaks, is currently detained in Belmarsh high-security prison in the United Kingdom and faces extradition to the United States and criminal prosecutionunder…

UN report on abuses in Myanmar and ties to disaster capitalism

The UN recently released its independent international fact-finding mission report on Myanmar which encouraged the world to sever ties with the country’s military and the many companies, local and foreign, making $ from the brutal conflict. Thanks to Rawan Arraf, a wonderful lawyer in Australia and founder of the Australian Centre for International Justice, she…

Challenging those self-serving media narratives since 9/11

My book review in yesterday’s Weekend Australian newspaper:…  In The Operators, a great book on the war in Afghanistan, the American journalist Michael Hastings is scathing of reporters who spend their lives praising generals and socialising with them. Hastings exposed the arrogance and childish antics of the then head of US operations in Afghanistan, Stanley…

Introducing John Pilger into the Melbourne Press Club Hall of Fame

The Melbourne Press Club periodically inducts journalists into its Hall of Fame. I was asked to write the profile and be interviewed about John Pilger, one of Australia’s most famous journalistic exports: During his acceptance speech for the Sydney Peace Prize in 2009, Australian journalist, author and film-maker John Pilger articulated a worldview that he…

We’re all journalists

The US House of Representatives recently passed a federal shield law for journalists who receive “substantial financial gain.” This is encouraging, but as the Citizen Media Law Project explains, there are some fundamental problems: This change significantly narrows the bill’s coverage and is plainly aimed to exclude non-traditional journalists. But it doesn’t just exclude those…

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