Peres whinges that Britain doesn’t love Israel to death

This is rich coming from an old war criminal and father of the settlements in the West Bank. The idea that Israel may be criticised in the West is seemingly beyond understanding in insulated Israel. And note the casual racism towards Muslims. The supposedly moderate face of Zionism: Shimon Peres said England was “deeply pro-Arab…

What kind of state wants its youth to destroy homes?

The recent Israeli razing of Bedouin homes was painful and captured on film. Equally disturbing was the news that a number of young Israelis were both assisting the destruction and celebrating at the same time. Max Blumenthal, currently spending a number of months in Israel and Palestine, investigated: Arab Negev News publisher Ata Abu Madyam…

Nothing to see here, simply more Zionist propaganda down under

What does Israel need? More uncritical supporters in the West who back a “nation on the front lines of the global battle between those who love life and those who glorify death.” Welcome to the Friends of Israel Western Australia who are launching in a massive event on 8 August. Don’t expect any discussion about…

Troubles remain in the Gaza Strip

ABC Radio provides an on-the-ground report from inside Gaza, a short while since the “lifting” of the Israeli siege: PETER CAVE: The calm waters of the Mediterranean lap the shores of Gaza’s fishing port as the fishing boats come in with their catches and load them onto donkey carts to go to market. (Sound of…

How the ALP tries to keep any pro-Palestinian thoughts well hidden

Yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald examined Labor Party head-kicker Mark Arbib and his supposedly magical powers within the ALP. Lucky him. Then there was this paragraph: He kept a tight rein on the state’s MPs. Julia Irwin, then the Member for Fowler, says he responded to a speech she gave on the rights of Palestinians by…

How the Melbourne Film Festival embraces apartheid Israel

Back in 2009, film-maker Ken Loach withdrew his film Looking for Eric from the Melbourne International Film Festival after it was revealed that the Israeli government offered financial support for the event. This year there was supposedly no controversy despite the festival again taking funds from the Israeli government (the director, Richard Moore, is a…

BDS backers are basically terrorists in disguise (in hasbara minds)

This is almost funny. Palestinian activists and writers, such as Ali Abunimah and Diana Buttu, backing BDS are, according to this Zionist propaganda video, “anti-Israel” because they don’t accept the two-state solution, a pipe-dream that is both impractical and immoral. Seriously, this is what Zionism is left with; smearing Palestinians who demand full rights instead…

A few easy steps to buy products from West Bank colonies

This is the face of modern Zionism. A Rabbi looking to help those poor souls in Israel. Help! One of Brooklyn Heights’s most-influential Jewish leaders fought back against an anti-Israel rally last Friday by doing what influential rabbis do in such situations: he bought cosmetics. Rabbi Aaron Raskin of Congregation B’nai Avraham picked up some…

The futility and vindictiveness of destroying Bedouin homes

Heartbreaking and enraging. Footage this week of Israel demolishing the homes of a Bedouin village in the Negev desert. 300 people are now homeless: The Bedouin of the Negev (Naqab in Arabic) are full Israeli… citizens, but some 76,000 of them live in “unrecognized villages” that… receive virtually no government services including… water, electricity, and sanitation.

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