Don’t touch small, delicate little Israel, says wannabe Jewish Zionist

Murdoch attack-dog Andrew Bolt worries that the West is “selling out Israel” – yes, saying anything critical of the Jewish state is clearly one step away from anti-Semitism – and then this: I understand from excellent sources that Israel is alarmed by Kevin Rudd’s increasingly hostile comments (esepcially these) and policies, and major Labor donors…

Spare us your anguished Zionist soul

Norman Finkelstein on the less discussed importance of the Goldstone report: “The impact of the Goldstone report is tremendous,” the Middle East scholar Norman Finkelstein said when I reached him in New York. “It marks and catalyzes the breakup of the Diaspora Jewish support for Israel because Goldstone is the classical Diaspora Jew. He is…

“Israel is not Tehran”

Israel is a supposedly secular nation with an increasingly fundamentalist minority. Enjoy: Around 1,000 demonstrators marched Saturday evening outside the Prime Minister’s residence in Jerusalem to protest Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz’s decision to allow the continuation of single-sex bus lines that serve the Haredi community. Protestors held signs that read “Israel is not Tehran” and…

Australian mainstream newspaper dares to say a few things about East Jerusalem

For the Sydney Morning Herald, yesterday’s editorial is pretty strong. A sign, perhaps, that the Zionist lobby isn’t always running the agenda in the corporate media: Stephen Smith, the Foreign Minister, is right to be outraged by Israel’s announcement last week of plans for 1600 houses for Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem. Venturing beyond Australia’s…

A letter in the SMH to counter Zionist spin

Following yesterday’s article in the Sydney Morning Herald by Zionist lobbyist Vic Alhadeff, I submitted the following unpublished letter: Once again we have the sorry sight of an Australian Zionist spokesman, Vic Alhadeff (15/3/10) seemingly incapable of condemning Israel’s ever-expanding colonisation of the West Bank. While the international community is becoming increasingly intolerant of the…

Stop the presses: Petraeus links Israel/Palestine to US impotence

Praise the Lord. Finally, somebody realises that Israeli actions are directly affecting American interests and lives. Sure, this has been clear for decades but better late than never. The likely outcome from Washington? More “disappointment” with Israeli actions in Palestine and little else: On Jan. 16, two days after a killer earthquake hit Haiti, a…

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