Serco will keep failing because the system is broken in Australia

As more asylum seekers are crying for help on Australia’s Christmas Island – locked up for months on a remote island – all the federal government talks about is fining Serco: The federal government will take action against detention centre service provider Serco if it has breached any part of its contract following two breakouts…

Australia happy to do America’s bidding over Wikileaks

Let’s not be surprised with this revelation: The Australian government discussed the charge of treason – the most serious of federal offences and one that carries a mandatory life sentence – when it examined the WikiLeaks matter last year. The advice, in a departmental briefing for the Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, was among several documents published…

America has so many best friends in the world

You have to laugh. How many nations are so keen to be close with Washington and will send troops to their pointless wars to prove the point? President Obama, hosting a visit by the French president, January 10, 2011: “We don’t have a stronger friend and stronger ally than Nicolas Sarkozy, and the French people.”…

New Assange interview on Australian TV

Here’s the interview on SBS Dateline just aired in Australia. And here’s the gist of what Julian Assange said: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange says the whistleblowing website’s influence on events in Tunisia was the “example” for the political upheaval in Egypt. The material leaked by WikiLeaks which was then published through a Lebanese newspaper, Al…

If Israel was a person, Gillard would ask the hourly rate

Here’s our Embarrassment in Chief Prime Minister Julia Gillard on last night’s ABC 4 Corners talking about that glorious democracy in the Middle East (yes, I thought she was thinking about Egypt but how wrong I was): Oh, I am a strong supporter of Israel. Obviously also a strong supporter of a peace process there…

How Australians feel about their Julian Assange

Er: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was named “un-Australian of the Year” by a men’s magazine on Monday for publishing thousands of leaked US diplomatic cables on his whistleblowing site. Australian-born Assange edged out God, Denmark’s Princess Mary and Prime Minister Julia Gillard to take Australian lads’ title Zoo Weekly’s dubious award for promising to dump…

Assange thanks Australians not clueless federal government

Presumably Assange isn’t thanking the supine Australian government, so desperate to please its American masters: Julian Assange has thanked Australia for its support of his – and Wikileaks – cause but called on Americans to tone down political rhetoric, saying those who incite violence should be charged with incitement to murder. Speaking to Fairfax in…

Australians respect Wikileaks so take a step back

The people have spoken: Australian voters are sharply at odds with the Prime Minister over the release of classified US government cables, a new poll has found. The survey suggests just one-quarter of voters agree with Julia Gillard that the diplomatic cables recently published by WikiLeaks should have remained secret. The findings show 59 per…

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