What a crazy thought; Arab voices on Libya mission

Michael Massing asks a key question that most in the media are ignoring; Arab people. Don’t worry journalists; they won’t bite: On Wednesday, I went to hear Ayman Mohyeldin, the Cairo correspondent for Al Jazeera English, speak at the office of the Committee to Protect Journalists. His subject was the risks and realities of covering…

Serbia 1999 vs Libya 2011

Leading Australian academic Scott Burchill has some thoughts about Libya: 1. Military intervention like this can make the humanitarian crisis worse, as it did in Serbia in 1999. Milosevich’s attacks on Kosovars only escalated after NATO’s bombing campaign begun. So even though the West controls the skies over Libya, expect ground attacks by Gaddafi loyalists…

If only Sri Lanka was more like Libya

Very powerful and true letter published in yesterday’s Melbourne Age: I am a Sri Lankan. In 2009, we had the same issue as Libya: Sri Lankan armed forces killed civilians during the fight against the rebels. The Australian Tamils wrote to then prime minister Kevin Rudd to help stop the bloodshed and prevent the innocents…

We were for Gaddafi just before we were against him

Thank you, Wikileaks: Following a meeting in Tripoli between Libyan leader Colonel Qaddafi, his son Muatassim and a United States Congressional delegation led by Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman on 14 August 2009, the American embassy classified diplomatic cable to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton highlighted the close working relationship both nations enjoy to…

Attacking Libya isn’t about making us feel good

Bombing Libya is welcomed across the world from so many supposedly well-meaning types who haven’t a clue about what the country is like or what they’re really backing. But hey, Gaddafi is a bad man! This Haaretz editorial weighs the risks: While the joint Western and Arab action against Libya’s dictatorial regime has widespread support,…

The “we must do something in Libya” brigade too keen to launch war

They’re everywhere at the moment. Hawks and so-called doves eager to show that butcher Gaddafi a lesson. How dare you massacre your own people (er, with Western-supplied weapons, but let’s not focus on such details)? Tonight’s ABC TV Q & A program featured five guests who all backed war against Libya. They all spoke in…

Mainstreaming hatred of Muslims, thanks to Rupert

Are there limits to damning Muslims? Not according to the Murdoch empire. Melbourne’s Herald Sun editor Alan Howe has spent the last years finding new ways to demonise the Muslim religion. We can expect an upcoming column to advocate rounding up all Muslims and putting them on outback farms. His latest, a letter to former…

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