Two faces of the Zionist lobby

Zionist indignation recently followed this news: The New York-based Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has condemned a Swiss-Iranian natural gas export deal, accusing Switzerland of financing terrorism. The Swiss foreign ministry for its part repeated that the agreement violates neither United Nations Security Council resolutions imposing sanctions on Iran over its nuclear programme or US laws. “As…

Bombing of Iran starts in five minutes

Kamangir, April 7: Camels do not run on nukes. That, alone, is sufficient to prove that the Iranian theology is pursuing nuclear bombs. On top of that, with all Iranian women covering their faces, they are not at risk of skin cancer, eliminating Ahmadinejad’s rhetoric that the nuclear research in Iran is geared towards technological…

Reaching out to the “enemy”

A new polls finds that although Iranians continue to view the United States negatively, they strongly support steps to improve US-Iran relations including direct talks, greater access for each others’ journalists, increased trade and more cultural, educational and athletic exchanges.

The Zionist lobby’s road map of delusion

Following my recent joint op-ed in the Melbourne Age – on the reality of life in racially exclusionary Israel/Palestine – today the inevitable response from the Zionist lobby. It’s almost embarrassing in its simplicity and dishonesty. So, below are the tried and true methods of the lobby’s (increasingly futile) points of attack: – Allege Israel…

Understanding a firebrand

Kasra Naji, Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran’s Radical Leader, I.B.Tauris, 2008: When Ahmadinejad was elected President in June 2005, anxiety replaced election fever amongst many Iranians. To let off steam they told jokes. Why did the new President part his hair so straight? To segregate the male and female lice. But while the laughter…

Burqas, blogs and bombs

My following article appears in today’s ABC Unleashed: The 1979 Iranian Revolution continues to reverberate around the world. Iranian-born professor of political science at Reed College, Darius Rejali, recently said that torture was a key “inspiration” for the revolution. “It pulled all the radicals to their side,” he said. “It was a revolution about human…

Admiring Mahmoud

Iranian blogger Hoder explains that the majority of Iranians, according to a new poll, support President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s policies: A lot is being published and said these days about ahmadinejad’s diminishing appeal. But aside from this recent parliament elections, I have another reason to say that it is all wishful thinking. Just take a look…

Endorsing dull orthodoxy

Iran’s conservatives consolidated their grasp on the levers of power in last week’s election and seem determined to drain the life from the country’s media: Iran has launched a fresh offensive on the media after the country’s election in which the conservatives strengthened their hold on the parliament at the expense of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.…

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