What Murdoch gave us all; hacking 9/11 victims

If true, this would be yet another example of the culture created by Rupert Murdoch. His legacy is some fine journalism and a whole heap of trash and bigotry. The International Herald Tribune reports: Shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, relatives of some of the victims began suspecting that someone was eavesdropping on…

So Murdoch hacks hacked British government they increasingly opposed?

Interesting, if true (via the Independent): Police investigating computer hacking by private investigators commissioned by national newspapers have uncovered evidence that emails sent and received by Gordon Brown during his time as Chancellor were illegally accessed. Mr Brown’s private communications, along with emails belonging to a former Labour adviser and lobbyist, Derek Draper, have been…

Keep those Ayrabs away from Australia, they look funny

The level of “conservative” debate in Murdoch’s Australian yesterday, in a piece by Hal G.P. Colebatch. I’m sure he’s seen heaps of Muslims on the TV and knows many of them intimately: Middle Eastern migrants, except in exceptional circumstances, appear to be making little attempt to assimilate and are bringing in polygamy, honour killings and…

How Fox News serves us daily a whole heap of goodness

2011 has been a Fox News year with a Muslim American President, socialism in the class room, terrorists in the White House and: Elie Wiesel, Mr Murdoch, is a Holocaust survivor but he has used his fame to care about all kinds of causes (including, according to Norman Finkelstein, exploiting groups and firms involved in…

Supporting BDS and Palestinian rights as a Jew

An open and frank debate about BDS against Israel in Australia is long overdue. Crikey blog This Blog Harms invited five people to write 1000 words on the issue. This is my contribution: The logic of… boycott, divestment and sanctions… (BDS) didn’t appear to me immediately. When my first book,… My Israel Question, was released in 2006, the…

Ignore the world’s warming and pay a heavy price

My following book review appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: An investigative journalist finds altered weather patterns are already having a significant impact. We are constantly bombarded with evidence of apocalyptic climate change – uncontrollable weather patterns that will irreversibly destroy sustainable life on planet Earth. Deniers argue such warnings are exaggerated. The Republican US…

Talking about CSG connection to exploiters Halliburton

This is an interesting story in yesterday’s Murdoch Australian that reveals the role of multinationals such as Halliburton in Australia: Former coal-seam gas mechanical technician Roy Michie, who spent eight years working fracking wells across Australia, claims the industry is dominated by “cowboys” who are subject to substandard regulation. Mr Michie, who worked for US…

Memo to NSW Greens; Palestine needs your full support now

After a year of unprecedented Zionist assaults on democracy in Palestine and Israel itself, the NSW Greens capitulate to intense Murdoch media pressure and internal conservatism to back down from fully supporting BDS. News flash to the party: apartheid in Palestine isn’t going anywhere and avoiding a key human rights issue only makes you look…

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