Real message of Marrickville BDS; Zionists scared of focus on occupation

It’s one day before the New South Wales election. Sydney’s Marrickville council embraced BDS late last year and since then we’ve seen a litany of hysterical attacks by the Zionist lobby, Liberal Party, Labor Party and Murdoch press. The main “issues”? The Greens are anti-Semitic, want Israel destroyed and hate Jews. That’s the kind of…

Mainstreaming hatred of Muslims, thanks to Rupert

Are there limits to damning Muslims? Not according to the Murdoch empire. Melbourne’s Herald Sun editor Alan Howe has spent the last years finding new ways to demonise the Muslim religion. We can expect an upcoming column to advocate rounding up all Muslims and putting them on outback farms. His latest, a letter to former…

Australian Greens candidate faces abuse and lies over backing Israel sanction

My following story appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Soon after Sydney’s Marrickville council announced in December to embrace boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel to force the Jewish state to abide by international law”‰—”‰…  Greens and Labor councillors supported the move”‰—”‰federal Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese entered the debate. In a news story in…

Libyan resistance dying for backing from Israel-based reporter

Here’s the way not to report from a war-zone. Western journalist parachutes into a country and starts condemning the actions of the Libyan rebels, offering advice how to better fight a war. Because a Murdoch hack who lives a comfortable middle class existence in Israel knows so much about winning wars against dictators. John Lyons…

Murdoch’s News of the World incubates culture of deception

Today’s Guardian editorial is scathing, necessarily so, and reminds us that the Murdoch empire is always about power and access with ideology a distant second. Remind me why virtually no politicians or journalists dare challenge its power when its actions are clear for all to see? Bravery, please: The collapse of a high-profile murder trial…

Anti-Semitism charge only card Zionists can throw at Greens activists

As the New South Wales election approaches, Marrickville Greens candidate, Fiona Byrne – who has bravely led a campaign of BDS against apartheid Israel – is smeared by Murdoch hack David Penberthy in today’s Sydney’s Daily Telegraph. Advocating for human rights in Palestine is like Nazis killing and bashing Jews before the Holocaust? Yes, charming:…

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