Britain’s Murdochcracy (just got worse)

Money buys power, again: Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation empire was yesterday given Government approval to take full control of BSkyB, a decision that was derided as a “whitewash” by media rivals and “cavalier” by political opponents. Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt had previously said he was minded to refer the proposed …£8bn deal to the competition…

Hypocrisy trumps policy in Western alliance with Libya

My following article appears today on ABC’s The Drum: The latest BBC interview with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, situated in a fancy restaurant on the Mediterranean, was painful to watch. Clearly delusional and blaming drug-addled youth and al-Qaeda for the ongoing revolution in his country (which he claimed he didn’t lead, the “masses” were in…

Privatisation is a game the whole political and media elite can play

With the New South Wales election less than a month away and news that Serco is offering “advice” on the best way to privatise everything, Murdoch’s Australian today explains what may happen post 26 March. And note how conservatives use the word “reform” when they really mean sack public workers for “efficiency”: NSW Liberals leader…

NSW Greens don’t see their job as solely defending brutish Israel

The decision of Sydney’s Marrickville council and the NSW Greens to back BDS against apartheid Israel continues to generate predictable hysteria from the Murdoch tabloids (and that’s to say nothing of the racist, anti-Muslim diatribes being circulated by many Jews and bigots across Australia): The Greens have threatened a trade boycott against the world’s second-largest…

Can’t tell the difference between Hitler and Muslims?

Perhaps it’s in the job contract when you want to be a senior Murdoch executive; dislike Muslims and defame them regularly. The Herald Sun’s Alan Howe has form, seemingly finding democracy for Arabs a serious problem because it may affect Zionist occupation. He’s back with a new column headlined: “Picking up where Adolf left off“,…

WSJ: our autocrats are nice thugs

The Middle East has spent decades in social and political “stability” because Washington and Israel have backed brutes to torture and demean the people. Not to worry, writes Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, ignore all those deeply undemocratic states; the real issue is the Islamic Republic: The regime in Tehran—aptly described by Secretary of State Hillary…

Memo to MSM; your job isn’t to pimp for foreign wars

VIDEO: WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Night raid in Mirabad Today’s Murdoch press features this “world exclusive“: The commando raiding party approaches the mud-walled qala, or compound, after a long night march from the helicopter insertion point. As they move in with their infra-red laser sights beaming and their alien-like night vision “eyes” switched on, all hell breaks…

Murdoch press likes race-baiting over asylum seekers

This is the front page story of today’s Sydney Daily Telegraph (surprised the lead isn’t about Lady Gaga or welfare mothers on crack robbing homeless men): Dozens of asylum seekers are on the run, with fears they are being supported by underground networks. Of the 47 people to have escaped last year, 12 had been…

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