Wiping Persia from the map

John Bolton, neo-conservative, former George W. Bush official and Fox News contributor: So we’re at a very unhappy point — a very unhappy point — where unless Israel is prepared to use nuclear weapons against Iran’s program , Iran will have nuclear weapons in the very near future.

Rupert needs to believe that you’ll give him what he wants

How Rupert Murdoch gains political influence. It’s rarely about ideology and largely about power. Britain’s Tory party had to romance the old man: When the raw and newly elected Tory leader first met News International’s patriarch Rupert Murdoch, he was intent on projecting himself as a socially tolerant leader with modern ideas who would shake…

How to ruin the chances of Middle East peace

Michael Shaik, from Australians for Palestine, writes in Murdoch’s Australian: In 1973, Ariel Sharon announced his intention to make a “pastrami sandwich” of the Palestinians by building strips of settlements across the West Bank, “so that in 25 years’ time, neither the United Nations, nor the United States, nobody, will be able to tear it…

The angry voice of a deluded American nation

The rise of Glenn Beck on Fox News is a fascinating American story. He has captured, channeled and created the fear and anger of a paranoid America (this sentiment is wonderfully detailed by Mondoweiss founder Phil Weiss in this New York Magazine essay.) In Salon, Alexander Zaitchik captures Beck’s background: Since launching his talk radio…

Public broadcasting is vital for democracy

Yet more evidence that the general public is far smarter than a self-interested media mogul: Viewers and listeners are rallying around the BBC, according to a Guardian/ICM poll published today. It shows rising levels of trust in the broadcaster and increased public support for the licence fee. The results challenge claims that the BBC’s growth…

Hard to tell whether Obama is like Hitler

In a further sign that anti-Obama forces in the US are going insane, the following comments were made on Fox News by disabled Marine veteran David Hedrick: National Socialism is very much what we see today in this administration, it’s a policy almost line for line. It’s the same economic policy, it’s the same political…

Huckabee is the worst friend Jews could have

Mike Huckabee’s recent visit to Israel and Palestine generated predictable headlines. He certainly didn’t disappoint his Fox News constituents. Helen Freedman, Executive Director of Americans For a Safe Israel, accompanied Huckabee throughout his trip and loved the experience. Her report includes this revealing section: Huckabee’s remarks to the press have been well-recorded, but there were…

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