Occupation as a permanent state of affairs

Who said the New York Times, a supposedly “liberal” publication, isn’t still publishing one of its lead writers to continually call for an indefinite American presence in Iraq? This is what “serious” journalists do.

This is what “liberal” commentators think

Back in 2003, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman talked about his reasons for backing the Iraq war: What they needed to see was American boys and girls going house to house, from Basra to Baghdad, um and basically saying, ‘Which part of this sentence don’t you understand?’ You don’t think, you know, we care…

Let’s talk about Jewish power

Jewish blogger Philip Weiss examines the ways in which the issue of Jewish power is rarely discussed in the mainstream, but clearly needs to be if the disasters of the Bush administration are to be fully examined. Why can’t we talk openly about the role of Jews and Israel behind the Iraq war? Why can’t…

Bomb those Ayrabs (they’ll all the same anyway)

American journalist Jeffrey Goldberg – a man who strongly advocated the war in Iraq, published numerous dodgy articles connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda and argued the US would succeed there in no time – has now published this telling remark: Nor were neoconservative ideologues—who had the most-elaborate visions of a liberal, democratic Iraq—interested in the Kurdish…

Hating Islam (or any other religion)

In a Western democratic society, do we have the right to offend others, such as minority groups? A few recent cases in Canada – where right-wingers have upset Muslim groups for allegedly defaming their religion – have highlighted this paradox. Speech is never truly free in any society – and Jews, for example, are never…

Be bloody afraid

Does the thought that elements at the highest echelons of the US administration have sold nuclear technology to Pakistan, Turkey and Israel, all under the noses of the powers that be, cause alarm? Read on.

Siding with brutality

Philip Weiss, January 5: Locked in a long-ago mindset of Holocaust guilt and Exodus triumph, never having visited the Jewish state, most American Jews go along with the Dershowitzes and neoconservative extremists who wish to ensure Israel’s “security” by having the U.S. government build a bloody iron wall in the Arab world. And in stark…

Sane Jews slapping crazy Jews

William Kristol is a leading neo-conservative, Jewish commentator who advocated the invasion of Iraq and whose ideal Middle East is multiple wars against Islamic “fascists”. He must be disappointed with George W. Bush’s hesitations. Tragically, the Jewish community has allowed people like Kristol to speak for them on matters of national security, despite the majority…

The never-ending threat

Next time you hear some media blowhard talking about the “threat” from Iran, remember the story about the boy who crief wolf (over and over again):

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