Settlements are killing Israel…so some Americans love them

The issue of illegal, Jewish settlements in the West Bank are getting a lot of press recently. First, Sarah Palin in a media interview for her newly released book (an utterly deluded affair, writes Andrew Sullivan, and a woman thrust on the world by a group of neo-conservatives, something we should never forget): I believe…

Academics should not be too critical of Israel, demand Zionist enforcers

Jewish dissenters beware: Right-wing groups in Israel want to create a climate of fear among left-wing scholars at Israeli universities by emulating the “witch-hunt” tactics of the US academic monitoring group Campus Watch, Israeli professors warn. The watchdog groups IsraCampus and Israel Academia Monitor are believed to be stepping up their campaigns after the recent…

Daddy, how many countries has America attacked since WWII?

I was reminded this week while listening to John Pilger in Sydney during his Sydney Peace Prize public engagements that there are moments in his films, such as the one below, from “Breaking the Silence”, that perfectly capture a razor sharp attitude. Taking no bullshit. Actually challenging those who help shape our pro-war policies. If…

We are winning (argue J Street)

The following missive was just sent out by J Street. It’s hard to share their optimism (why? Try here), but here’s the message: Last week, with our first national conference, we took a major step forward as a movement. Reuters said we had “arrived as a serious participant in the foreign policy debate.” [1] The…

Wiping Persia from the map

John Bolton, neo-conservative, former George W. Bush official and Fox News contributor: So we’re at a very unhappy point — a very unhappy point — where unless Israel is prepared to use nuclear weapons against Iran’s program , Iran will have nuclear weapons in the very near future.

Reporters might like to consider the Arab point of view

The Australian Committee for Truth in the Middle East, a group with a fine pedigree, offers some advice to journalists covering the Middle East: 1. In Gaza and the West Bank Hamas won popular support – enough to win an election generally regarded in the West as fair (except for the result, of course) –…

The democratic gap inside Israel

The fine Israeli blog Promised Land discusses the concept of Neo-Zionism and its ramifications for the Jewish state: The settlers are by no means neo-Zionists. They represent the old fashion right wing, the one that still dreams of colonizing Eretz Israel Hashlema (the great land of Israel). Netanyahu was supposed to be their natural leader,…

How to ruin the chances of Middle East peace

Michael Shaik, from Australians for Palestine, writes in Murdoch’s Australian: In 1973, Ariel Sharon announced his intention to make a “pastrami sandwich” of the Palestinians by building strips of settlements across the West Bank, “so that in 25 years’ time, neither the United Nations, nor the United States, nobody, will be able to tear it…

We must cleanse ourselves of these aggressive Jews

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on the frustration of Zionist neo-conservatives who only imagine a world with violence and occupation: Neocons arrogate unto themselves the right to make appeals to what they believe is the “dual loyalty” of American Jews — most of whom, in fact, reject their radical ideology — when trying to coerce support for…

The truth warrior

My following essay is published in Sydney Ideas Quarterly magazine: John Mearsheimer, a leading US scholar on international relations, has strong views on political issues from the Middle East to Iraq but until now, the establishment has been slow to listen. He spoke to Antony Loewenstein During this year’s Iranian uprising, which followed the disputed…

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