Mr Obama, please continue your current Mid-East plans

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is in the West Bank city of Ramallah, lapping up the wonders of a more open and liberated occupied territory: For Palestinians, long trapped between burgeoning Israeli settlements and an Israeli occupation army, subject to lawlessness in their own cities and the fecklessness of their own political leadership, life…

We preach, you (must) listen

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on America’s constant insistence that justice is applied in (some) countries around the world…but not in the US itself: A NYT search reveals that the phrase “culture of impunity”… has never been applied to the United States.…  Thankfully, then, Americans will probably never know what it’s like to live in a country where…

The NYTs on myth and reality in Palestine

Thomas Friedman writes in today’s New York Times that Israel needs to stop building settlements. The rest of his column repeats the now-accepted, yet false myth, that Israel withdraw from Gaza and only received rockets in return. In fact, when you blockade a territory after a democratic election, you better expect some fireworks: For years,…

The Israelis need to be told over and over again

Following the recent article in the New York Times by Haaretz writer Aluf Benn – essentially arguing that US pressure on Israel just isn’t fair, no, not at all! – a letter writer responds in today’s paper: Aluf Benn states that “as far as most Israelis are concerned, Mr. Obama has made a mistake in…

What some radical Jews need to hear

After the New York Times editorialised about the Middle East peace process and essentially repeated Obama administration talking points, the Los Angeles Times, while equally believing in the impossible two-state solution, challenges the Zionist spokespeople who claim Obama is anti-Israel: Evenhandedness usually is considered to be a positive attribute in diplomacy, but when it comes…

The true barrier to peace is here

The New York Times reports on the crazy, West Bank settler movement: At the Neria outpost celebration, Noam Rein, a father of 10, looked out across the hills at Ramallah and called its presence “temporary.” He added: “The Torah says the land of Israel is for the Jewish people. This is just the beginning. We…

Evil gone, reports serious journalist

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who has spent the last while hanging out with Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, concludes the following: After spending a week traveling the frontline of the “war on terrorism” — from the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Ronald Reagan in the seas off Iran, to…

Iran’s issues are not just their own

Roger Cohen in the New York Times on the Iranian paradox: A succession struggle of sorts has begun in Iran. Rafsanjani, 74, is challenging Khamenei, 70. So is Mohammad Khatami, the reformist former president who called Sunday for a referendum on the legitimacy of the election. They are saying Iran is a great and proud…

You can’t bomb Tamils to freedom

The brutality recently experienced by Sri Lanka will leave a lasting impression on the suffering Tamil population. The country’s President, Mohinda Rajapaksa, tells the New York Times that he believes in reconciliation with the entire population. That currently seems like a very long way away.

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