More media panic for the boys

Mondoweiss understands the point exactly in my latest column on why old media simply don’t understand the changing rules of the game: Smart piece by Antony Loewenstein down under saying that the mainstream media are going away not just because of a technological change but because they’re invested more in the establishment hierarchy than in…

We shouldn’t be grieving for the death of newspapers

My following article appears today in Online Opinion: As a journalist who spends the vast majority of my life online, the seemingly never-ending debates about the future of the media and newspapers can be exhausting and predictable. The same mantras are heard over and over again. Where will the news come from when newsprint dies?…

Rational, calm and measured

Following Roger Cohen’s sensible calls for restraint towards Iran in the New York Times a few days ago, the paper publishes a collection of reasonable letters in response. Not one crazed Zionist here: To the Editor: Those who got Iraq so wrong should read “Israel Cries Wolf,” Roger Cohen’s April 9 online column about Iran,…

Watching the elites move their cards

Two opinion articles in today’s New York Times that suggest a noticable shift in that paper’s stance on Israel/Palestine (or at least providing space for more critical voices). First up, Roger Cohen writes in yet another piece that Obama cannot allow under any circumstances Israel to bomb Iran: “Israel would be utterly crazy to attack…

Failure is no longer an option

The New York Times is known to often accurately reflect American foreign policy intentions. Hence, as the Obama administration has privately acknowledged the impending clash with the new, extremist Israeli government, the Times publishes a piece by a “progressive” Israeli lobbyist, J Street’s Jeremy Ben Ami, and puts the Zionist fanatics on notice (are the…

The Jewish divide is growing and this is good

Zionist fanatic Mort Zuckerman wonders how soon somebody, anybody, will bomb the Islamic Republic back to the stone age. New York Times columnist Roger Cohen issues caution and adds this: “Israeli hegemony is proving a kind of slavery. Passage to the Promised Land involves rethinking the Middle East, starting in Iran.”

We’re waiting for Jews to assert themselves

The New York Times magazine published an essay yesterday by Zev Chafets on Obama’s Rabbi: Rabbi Capers Funnye celebrated Martin Luther King Day this year in New York City at the Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, a mainstream Reform congregation, in the company of about 700 fellow Jews — many of them black. The organizers of…

How willing is Obama to change?

Roger Cohen, writing in the New York Times – his recent columns have challenged the Israel right or wrong brigade in the US – continues his exploration of alternative uses of American power in the Middle East (during an interview with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan): Dreams aside, I see Obama moving methodically to…

Time is running out for Israel to adapt

My latest column for New Matilda is about the realities facing the incoming Israeli government: The ground is slowly shifting in international attitudes towards Israeli policies. But the longer Israel delays changing direction, the fewer options it will have, writes Antony Loewenstein As the new Israeli Government under Benyamin Netanyahu begins its tenure, a small…

The pointless screaming of Zionists

You didn’t hear that the New York Times is accused by Zionist fanatics of being pro-terrorist, anti-Israel, pro-Ahmadinejad and soft on extremism? That’s because the usual suspects are increasingly irrelevant and shrill. There is more than one kind of Judaism in the modern age.

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