Some are doing very well with this endless war post 9/11

The Los Angeles Times reports: It wasn’t long after the World Trade Center twin towers fell that U.S. Army special forces units were dispatched to the desolate outcroppings of Afghanistan to stalk and eradicate the Taliban. The commandos were outfitted with radios, night vision goggles and automatic rifles. But a select few carried a new…

Voices rising against Serco’s power

Very few journalists in the corporate press seem interested in the ever-expanding role of unaccountable Serco, the British multinational. Privatisation is accepted as gospel by both major sides of politics and the mainstream media. To its credit, Green Left Weekly publishes today the following important part of the story: British-based multinational corporation Serco Group is…

Why can’t a nice Blackwater man just go back to kill innocents?

Oh the horrors: A federal judge denied a request by a former contractor, convicted of killing an Afghan civilian, for permission to return to Afghanistan for employment, according to a ruling made public Wednesday. Calling the request “ill-timed” and “the epitome of arrogance,” U.S. District Judge Robert G. Doumar flatly refused to give Virginia Beach…

Here’s a great idea; let’s just privatise everything

Mother Jones with the latest mad scheme: In Michigan, a state perennially crippled by budget deficits [1], public school districts across the state have already outsourced their bus drivers, cafeteria workers, sports coaches, and janitors to try and save money. Now Republicans in Michigan’s state Legislature want to take the outsourcing frenzy one giant leap…

Wikileaks reveals Israeli company loving “war on terror” (aka targeting Muslims makes us good money)

9/11 happens. An already large privatised security industry massively expands. Israel is the supposed expert on such matters (being good at racial profiling and killing Arabs whilst damaging the security prospects and future of the state). Wikileaks releases a document from March 2008 that highlights just one company looking to make a fortune from this…

Afghanistan may be at war but rest assured the vultures will come

A friend says that a link to this page appeared on Murdoch’s Australian today, just proving that exploitating the fears and conflict of a war-torn country is never beyond the remit of disaster capitalists: U.S. geologists just found some $1 trillion of untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan. What’s next for the war-torn country? Overnight, Afghanistan…

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