Australian Zionist lobby playbook part 98733

Take some clueless politicians. Show them an Israel that supports colonisation and racism against Arabs as mainstream. Allow them to speak to Israeli-approved Palestinians for a few minutes. Offer propaganda and receive lashings of lies in return. Mix, conduct such “tours” regularly and guarantee continued pro-Israel sentiment in the Australian parliament: Five Labor members of…

Independent Australian Jewish Voices newsletter just out

The following was sent yesterday: Dear friends, We are sending out our occasional newsletter and we would like to express our gratitude for the support we have received. In particular, we are grateful to various generous benefactors without whom our… activities would not be possible. We have recently joined the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network… (APAN), which “has…

ABC interview on BDS, Palestine and far-right love affair with Zionism

The ongoing blind establishment embrace of Israel and condemnation of BDS as akin to Nazi Germany shows no sign of abating in Australia. Yesterday’s ABC Radio National Breakfast featured a story on the issue and included a brief interview with me explaining the growing alliances between the fascist right and Israel; a mutual hatred of…

ABC interview on Palestine, UN statehood and one-state solution

Debate around Palestinian statehood is becoming increasingly polarised, but necessarily so. While Israel continues to build illegal settlements in the West Bank, a two-state solution is dead and buried. That only leaves eternal apartheid or a one-state solution, my favoured option, a truly democratic state. Last week I was extensively interviewed by ABC radio on…

Head of Israel’s biggest “peace group” happy to protect colonies

If more evidence was needed of the moral collapse of the mainstream Israeli “peace movement”, this is it. The fact that the Israeli government would honour the group Peace Now is bad enough but the quotes from its leader are highly revealing, and depressing: The Peace Now movement has recently received a certificate of merit…

The desperate plea for Israel to hang onto land forever

It seems I’ve upset a man who rather likes Zionist occupation and dislikes my recent ABC piece on the UN Palestine bid and BDS [boycott, divestment and sanctions] against Israel. In this week’s conservative Spectator magazine, a column by Rowan Dean, headlined, “Three words you’ll never hear from Loewenstein and his BDS pals”, rehashes every…

Here’s how much the Zionist occupation of Palestine is costing

From The Daily Beast: ESTIMATING THE COSTS Because Israel has never released all the necessary data, we’ve taken the numbers available from various Israeli research studies, extrapolated them, and adjusted the results for interest and inflation. In arriving at a very conservative estimate, we made sure to count only the extra costs of controlling the…

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