Boycotting Israel…from within the Zionist state

This is the kind of vital shift in Israeli Jewish society that is taking place under the nose of the authorities and they hate it. Why should Jews be treated better than Arabs? Why should the Jewish state spend every day finding new ways to discriminate against Palestinians? And why should the democratic world –…

“The Israel Lobby”, five years on

One of its authors, Steve Walt, reflects on a tumultuous period and his work’s undoubted influence. One of the great personal successes, in my view, has been the increasing number of Jews who recognise the devastating result of simply allowing the pro-settler, anti-Palestinian Zionists solely taking the floor. Judaism simply cannot be about backing never-ending…

Palestinians heard backing BDS in Marrickville

With all the talk about Marrickville council embracing BDS in Sydney, Palestinian voices have been largely absent. Like in so many debates about the Middle East in the West, all we hear are Zionists and Zionists. Well, let’s change that right now. Here’s Australians for Palestine public advocate Samah Sabawi and the group’s founder Sonja…

Real message of Marrickville BDS; Zionists scared of focus on occupation

It’s one day before the New South Wales election. Sydney’s Marrickville council embraced BDS late last year and since then we’ve seen a litany of hysterical attacks by the Zionist lobby, Liberal Party, Labor Party and Murdoch press. The main “issues”? The Greens are anti-Semitic, want Israel destroyed and hate Jews. That’s the kind of…

Which state won’t allow Palestinians to recognise dispossession?

One more step in Israel’s seemingly inevitable path towards excluding Arabs entirely; making it illegal for Palestinians to get any state funding to mark the 1948 Nakba. Key BDS backer Omar Barghouti writes: One major difference between Israeli apartheid and its South African… sibling… was that the former shrewdly avoided… overt racial discrimination that prevailed in the latter.…

Inside the minds of Itamar colonists

Inka Stafrace is an Australian film-maker concerned with Israel/Palestine. Her first film, Hope in the Sling Shot, was accepted then refused screening on “our” ABC. Brave souls at the national broadcaster. She’s currently working on a new project but in the meantime has shot this beautiful short piece on the recent settler murder in Itamar…

Israel’s Gestapo cranks up to find traitors in their midst

Israel is unclear whether damning the illegal colonies is acceptable discussion or not? Like so many Jews in the Diaspora who always demand better Zionist PR – don’t change any policies, of course, just try and sell them better – this latest attempt smacks of desperation: Military Intelligence is collecting information about left-wing organizations abroad…

Why do tax dollars help Israeli colonies?

It’s surely time to stop Western states talking publicly against Jewish settlements in the West Bank but allowing citizens to fund them via the tax system: Margaret A. Weirich (J.D. 2010, Iowa) has published Hijacking the Charitable System: An Examination of Tax-Exempt Status for Charities that Support Israeli Settlements, 14 J. Gender Race & Just.…

Bibi isn’t capable of vision except settlements, colonies and apartheid

And Jerusalem Post editor David Horowitz seems to agree: Netanyahu may argue that the last thing Israel dares do today is take significant “risks for peace” in the unpredictable Middle East, with the further private concern that American support is less reliable than it has been for years, as underlined by the rapid abandonment of…

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