Obama dislikes Netanyahu and sees Israel’s growing isolation?

According to American Zionist journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, a man close to the White House, Barack Obama is pissed with Israel and his anger is only growing. Time will tell but we’re a long way from Washington sanctioning the Jewish state for its daily violations of international law: Shortly after the… United Nations General Assembly… voted in late…

Jews For Palestinian Right of Return

I signed the following statement, alongside many inspiring Jews worldwide, because the Palestinian right of return and ongoing displacement of Palestinians is a key, unresolved issue in the Middle East. To learn more see this website: “For Palestinians, the right to return home and the right to live in dignity and equality in their own…

Just one more reason why academic BDS against Israeli universities vital

After the recent faux controversy in Australia over a principled academic refusing to assist an Israeli academic because his centre abided by BDS principles, this story (via Ben White in Electronic Intifada) shows how intimately linked are Israeli universities, the occupation and the settler establishment: Dozens of academics from Israel and abroad, worried about the…

Thinking of occupied Bethlehem this Christmas

The reality of Palestinian life under Israeli occupation is often ignored in the West. This Christmas – I hope my readers have a safe and happy holiday season, wherever they may be – I’m once again publishing the regular missive from Brother Peter Bray, the Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University (his past writings are here).…

Leading American Zionist worries about end of Jewish state

Jeffrey Goldberg (see here for his glorious record of loving American/Israeli-led wars) is one of America’s most read Zionists with access to Barack Obama. That supposedly makes you important in establishment media land when it really means you’re a water carrier for war-friendly policies (especially over Iran). Having said all that, Goldberg has expressed increasing…

Why boycotting Israeli academia is necessary and principled

My following piece appears today in ABC’s… The Drum: An academic boycott of Israeli universities isn’t an attack on freedom of speech. The evidence tells us these institutions are key battlegrounds for breaches of international law towards the Palestinians, argues Antony Loewenstein. New Zealand’s $20 billion national pension fund… announced this month… that it was divesting from three…

UK Israel lobby is most powerful in the country

The power of the Zionist lobby in Britain is far too rarely discussed in the mainstream media. And yet its presence is one of the key reasons London is so blindly supportive of Israel. Here’s a rare perspective, written by Peter Obourne in the UK Telegraph.… Note the fear that the two-state solution is dead/dying/on life…

2SER Radio on Israel/Palestine and Australian UN vote

I was interviewed on Friday: Relations between Australia and Israel remain tense after the Foreign Minister Bob Carr called in Israel’s ambassador on Tuesday, to convey strong concern over plans to expand settlements on Palestinian land. Carr told the ambassador that building new settlements threatens the viability of a two-state solution. Israel announced the plan…

Tale of principled Sydney University academic on Palestine and BDS

The following story appeared in Rupert Murdoch’s Australian newspaper yesterday on its front page: The Sydney University’s Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, which has thrown its support behind controversial Palestinian leaders, has cited its boycott of Israel for refusing to help an Israeli civics teacher who has designed programs for both Jewish and Arab…

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