How to shame Judaism

A clip from the 2005 Israeli documentary, Land of of the Settlers. Wikipedia describes this devastating documentary thus: The Land of the Settlers is a five part documentary series created by Chaim Yavin, who was described by the Arab News as “the Israeli version of America’s Walter Cronkite“. With a handheld camera, Yavin traveled throughout…

Crushing balls is more fun

Our leaders must not act like military commanders, take risks for peace. Tragically, Israel’s political establishment has shown time and time again that peace with its neighbours isn’t the main objective. A state of constant war is all they know, a belief that decades of occupation will wear down the Palestinians. In fact, the opposite…

Good riddance to bad rubbish

Israeli peace group Gush Shalom explains why just resigned Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is a disgrace to his country (and to Jews everywhere): Nobody will shed a tear as the political career of Ehud Olmert grounds to its end. In the two years he had at the helm of the Israeli ship of state,…

Filming violations

Israeli crimes in the occupied territories are starting to receive mainstream, American TV coverage. A sign that Israel’s shocking behaviour is becoming worthy of international condemnation. Not before time:

How to starve the Arabs

The following letter appears in the July 26 edition of the Green Left Weekly: Three weeks after the Australian’s Richard Kerbaj whipped up a storm over humanitarian aid by a Sydney-based charity to the suffering people of Gaza, we find our own federal police jumping at this organisation in what seems to be a co-ordinated…

Crushing humanity

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, July 24: Israel might be able to go on claiming that it will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East, but it cannot do the same regarding another weapon of mass destruction: the bulldozer. The claim that terror has adopted an original new weapon, a “new fashion”…

Don’t dare slam the holy Jewish state

Following my lead letter in yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald, the following letters appear in response today (under the headline, “Define reasonable, Mr Loewenstein”): Antony Loewenstein says “not many Jews” agree that the 2001 UN conference against racism in Durban was an anti-Semitic hatefest (Letters, July 23). I was a delegate and I don’t remember Mr…

Israel the aggressor must accept reasonable and unbiased criticism

My following piece is the lead letter in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Supporters of Israel write as though the Jewish state is isolated and reviled around the world for no other reason than irrational anti-Semitism. Nothing could be further from the truth. [Professor at York University, Toronto and a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute]…

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