Hanging refugees out to dry, courtesy of the Australian authorities

This proposed collusion between the UN and Australia, to remove a potential headache for Kevin Rudd in an election year, should be condemned in the strongest possible sense. Sri Lanka and Afghanistan remain highly dangerous nations for minorities and dissidents. The idea that the Australian government will be sending refugees back to their nations of…

When you’re feeling down and need a hand, turn to Beijing

If you’re a country that enjoys war crimes, rest assured either China or America will come to your aid: China is to lend Sri Lanka about $200m (…£133m) to build a second international airport in the south of the island. Another $100m from Beijing will help boost the island’s railway network, Sri Lanka’s foreign ministry…

Tamil independence will happen one day (with a nudge and a push)

Justice in Sri Lanka is a foreign commodity these days while the Tamil Diaspora are still longing for an independent homeland. This is an interesting move by Britain, a rare sign of actually standing up to dictatorships (unlike Australia, which seems more concerned with maintaining trade relations and ignoring human rights): Relations between Britain and…

Backing resistance and terrorism can be a very fine difference

I recently posted about an upcoming Supreme Court case that might redefine the ability of American citizens to provide advice to “terrorist” groups wanting non-violent means to achieve their goals. This article expands on what is at stake and focuses on Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers: The legal dispute arose from advice given by…

Sri Lanka must pay in Australia for its crimes back home

Following last week’s strong Age editorial on the situation in Sri Lanka, the following letter appeared in Saturday’s edition: Many thanks for your editorial (”Sri Lanka’s ripples go far beyond the island”,… The Age, 11/2) on the intensifying repression in Sri Lanka. Canberra has restricted itself to tokenistic responses out of a wrong-headed belief that things…

Melbourne Age chastises Colombo over rights abuses

Following yesterday’s strong editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald over Sri Lanka, today the Melbourne Age adds its voice to the outcry. I can’t read these pieces and not think about the gutlessness of the corporate press when writing about the Middle East. Slamming Sri Lanka is risk-free for editors. Seriously challenging Israel’s occupation of…

Up to 40,000 killed in Sri Lanka’s final days of civil war

ABC TV’s Foreign Correspondent reports from Sri Lanka and finds continuing and systematic discrimination against the minority Tamils. And this: As many as 40,000 civilians could have been killed during the final stages of the Sri Lankan civil war, according to someone with detailed knowledge of the conflict – the former United Nations’ spokesperson in…

Sydney Morning Herald recognises Sri Lankan anarchy

The kind of Sydney Morning Herald editorial that is hard to condemn. In fact, it’s necessarily strong against Sri Lanka’s descent into brutality. Alas, can we dream that one day the corporate press will equally see Israel’s occupation of Palestine in the same way? War is often the justification for a temporary suspension of normal…

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