Why the peace will never be won

The violence in Sri Lanka continues and the hidden cost of the war is becoming clear: Though there have been numerous reports indicating that the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) has been systematically raping Tamil women fleeing the country’s war zone for the past four months, the Sri Lankan government’s brutal methods of media censorship have…

Palestine matters, but not alone

Why, asks Geoffrey Alderman in the Guardian, isn’t the carnage in Sri Lanka receiving blanket coverage in the UK and internationally? I’ll tell you why. Because Sri Lanka is not Israel. Because the Tamils are not Arabs. And because here, in the UK, the Tamil vote is negligible whereas the Muslim vote is not. Yes,…

Maybe black people simply don’t matter

The US has finally released a strong statement about the massacres in Sri Lanka. But while talk is important, the realities on the ground remain dire. This report from somebody in the conflict zone itself: More than 1500 people, innocent civilians perished today.…  Who knows?…  The number will certainly be more.…  What hurts the most…

Why can’t killing be more popular?

“Israel strives to re-brand image“, we’re told. Yet again. Get ready for more failure. “It doesn’t matter how many times we convince ourselves and our staunch allies that we are not war criminals, and that those who try to portray us as such are incorrigible Jew-haters,” wrote Anshel Pfeffer in the liberal daily Haaretz. Israel’s…

Israel’s bastard child

The Sri Lankan government’s war against the… Tamil people, in all its graphic detail. Yet another example of a Western-backed nation using state terrorism to make its point.

Another rogue state lines up

Last night I attended this moving event outside the Australian Prime Minister’s Sydney water-front home, in an attempt to force the government to pressure the Sri Lankan regime to stop its insane campaign against the Tamil people: More than 1,000 Tamil protesters, mostly families with small children, staged a sit-down protest blocking the junction of…

Tamils block Sydney street in protest

This afternoon I attended a rally in Sydney city to protest the Sri Lankan government’s brutal campaign against the Tamil people (my photos here). Like the struggle for Palestine, many Western government ignore the plight of groups not deemed important to Western interests. Terrorism is often the reason given for not offering support but, in…

Death is life

It’s not just Zionist hacks who lie about civilian casualties in war. Clearly the Sri Lankan government is taking lessons from the master: For the foreign correspondent, everything in Sri Lanka begins and ends with the armed forces: where one can travel; what one can film; even to whom one can speak. And dealing with…

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