Israel’s Gestapo cranks up to find traitors in their midst

Israel is unclear whether damning the illegal colonies is acceptable discussion or not? Like so many Jews in the Diaspora who always demand better Zionist PR – don’t change any policies, of course, just try and sell them better – this latest attempt smacks of desperation: Military Intelligence is collecting information about left-wing organizations abroad…

Thousands gather in Sydney to back Wikileaks

Last night’s large event in Sydney to support the right of Wikileaks to publish material was a huge success. Thousands turned up to hear speakers chastise the Australian government for shamefully bowing down to America’s wishes over Julian Assange. Wikileaks enjoys majority community support: A high-profile human rights lawyer claims Julian Assange’s only crime is…

If only Israeli state really cared about stopping terrorism

The recent murder of Jewish settlers in the West Bank was an appalling act of terrorism. No ifs or buts. But watch the debased response of the Zionist state to this outrage. Haaretz editorial: The despicable murder of five members of the Fogel family on Saturday is a crime against every human being. But the…

A message to sell to young Jews the world over

This is what Israel offers, according to Yoram Ettinger in Ynet: Moreover, unlike Obama, most [American] constituents regard President Reagan as a role model of values and view the Jewish State as the “Ronald Reagan of the Middle East,” representing their basic values: Respect toward religion and tradition, patriotism, security-oriented, anti-UN, anti-terrorism and suspicion toward…

Libya isn’t a Western plaything

While parts of Libya begin to imagine a life without Gaddafi – wonderful quote in this typically incisive Anthony Shadid piece in the New York Times: “There is no call for the overthrow of the government; only Colonel Qaddafi is mentioned, as lackey, tyrant and the man with really bad hair” – Western powers are…

Gaddafi admires Zionist killing in Gaza

Oh my. Israel must be so pleased that Libyan dictator Gaddafi is citing its massacre of Palestnians in a positive light: Long-time Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said Monday in an interview with TV network France 24 that his violent crackdown on opposition protesters is akin to Israel’s efforts to defend itself from extremism during its…

Abusing David Hicks is seemingly acceptable on our ABC

Here’s a shameful interview yesterday on ABC Melbourne radio with former Guantanamo Bay captive David Hicks. For the record, Hicks may have pleaded guilty to terrorism charges but he did so to simply get out of the US gulag: David Hicks: I don’t think you’ve read my book, that’s correct? Jon Faine: No, I’ve not…

Ongoing importance of separating Zionism and Judaism

The following interview by Sam Whiteley appears in today’s West Australian: Freelance journalist Antony Loewenstein is no stranger to controversy. “The silence is over,” says Loewenstein, author of My Israel Question which generated a swell of public debate and was shortlisted for the 2007 New South Wales Premier’s Literary Award. Co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish…

What the West saw in Gaddafi was oil and torture

The US had no issue with Gaddafi’s brutality and corruption as long as the oil kept flowing. Fossil fuel hunger has turned us into leeches: After New Year’s Day 2009, Western media reported that Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, a son of the Libyan leader Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, had paid Mariah Carey $1 million to sing just…

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