The war against Wikileaks

I’ve long admired Wikileaks, a clearing house for classified information (the “reasons” often used by Western governments to kill “liberated” Iraqis, Afghans etc). This news is therefore intriguing, not least because it shows that there is one (and probably more) people within the US government keen to tell the world about the “war on terror”…

Do we have to have Arab members of parliament at all?

Zionist nationalism is out of control. Firs we read, in a rather comical way, that some right-wing Jewish groups want to rename Turkish coffee to, well, something else because Ankara is a terrorist state etc. But this is far more serious: The Knesset’s House Committee on Monday recommended revoking the privileges of Israeli Arab MK…

Give us something to love, please, pleads Zionists

One of the undoubted successes of the Gaza flotilla has been highlighting the humanitarian crisis inside the Strip. It’s real; I saw it with my own eyes last year. With news that Iran may escort further aid ships to Gaza – let’s not even think about how Tel Aviv would deal with that – it’s…

Australia’s Zionist lobby demands government loyalty

So the New York Times features a story this week headlined, “Washington Asks: What to Do About Israel?” Its opening sentence: Some topics are so inflammatory that they are never discussed without first inserting a number of caveats. Of course in Australia any serious discussion about Israeli policy or Australia’s relationship with the Jewish state…

Australians are increasingly vocal about Israel

Today’s letters in the Sydney Morning Herald show a combination of anger, defensiveness (on the part of Zionists who dishonestly claim that they actually think independently from the Israeli government) and passion: Immanuel Suttner and David Tester (Letters, June 4) ask if and when Bishop George Browning and others would express outrage about attacks by…

Public opinion is lost

While Israeli bloggers debate the rights and wrongs of this week’s Gaza flotilla massacre (there’s something right about it, I hear you ask?) this piece of news is pretty damning: Israel was tonight under pressure to allow an independent inquiry into its assault on the Gaza aid flotilla after autopsy results on the bodies of…

This is the level of “debate” on US TV over Gaza

Former mayor of New York Ed Koch and writer Jeremy Scahill discuss Gaza and the flotilla. It’s a parallel universe on American TV with blind Zionist supporters using the same language over and over again (terrorism, Jew-hatred, terrorism, Hamas killers, terrorism):

The quick flotilla round-up (aka Israel has lost it)

Zionist groups in the US wish Barack Obama was more supportive and remain disappointed that the American President hasn’t invaded Turkey. Israel’s Deputy UN Ambassador says whatever his government tells him to say. Israel’s President Shimon Peres – the best friend apartheid South Africa could ever have – says that the Israeli soldiers were “humane”.…

Atwood wants to be on the right side of history in Palestine

Many pro-Palestinian activists criticised author Margaret Atwood in May for accepting a very large literary prize in Israel. She clearly came under a great deal of pressure and flak for doing so and perhaps this essay in Haaretz is a way to show she really cares about what happens to Palestinians under Zionist rule: …The…

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