Does our backing for Israel cause mass terrorism?

Glenn Greenwald states: If it is taboo to discuss how America’s actions in the Middle East cause Terrorism — and it generally is — that taboo is far stronger still when it comes to specifically discussing how our blind, endless enabling of Israeli actions fuels Terrorism directed at the U.S.

Please explain the real reason we back Mubarak’s Egypt

Seumas Milne writes in the Guardian that Western support for a terror state such as Egypt merely inflames anti-Western anger everywhere: Decades of oil-hungry backing for despots, from Iran to Oman, Egypt to Saudi Arabia, along with the failure of Arab nationalism to complete the decolonisation of the region, fuelled first the rise of Islamism…

How to make Muslims hate the West in one easy step

Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (retired) has a wonderful suggestion to keep America safe (and radicalise Muslims even more): If you are an 18-28-year-old Muslim man then you should be strip searched. And if we don’t do that there’s a very high probability we’re going to lose an airline.

Caring about Palestine makes you a terrorist, didn’t you know?

A comment on an Haaretz article about the various protests in Israel and Palestine today over Gaza reminds us that any solidarity with the Palestinian people causes supposedly rational people to spit bile: These ‘protesters’ are nothing short of terrorists: supporting a group who yearns for the complete and total destruction of a sovereign nation…

Accountability is coming for Israel and its followers

The attempt by pro-Palestinian groups in the UK to legally apprehend Israeli politician Tzipi Livni has caused outrage in the Zionist world and corporate press. The Jerusalem Post helpfully provides a summary (and note the outrage that an Israeli, or by implication any Western leader, would ever need to answer for their actions): Senior Israeli…

Western troops in Muslim lands can only lead one way

Barack Obama’s escalation in Afghanistan may come with a very high price: Robert A. Pape, a University of Chicago political scientist, contends that suicide attacks are almost always prompted by resentment of foreign troops, and that escalation in Afghanistan will fuel more plots. “This new deployment increases the risk of the next 9/11,” he said.…

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