Electronic Intifada on the how and why of testing weapons in Palestine

My interview with Nora Barrows-Friedman at the US-based Electronic Intifada on my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, is a wide-ranging discussion on how Israel tests weapons in Palestine and explains why the Jewish state has become the 10th biggest arms dealer in the world: On episode 78, we’re joined by journalist, filmmaker and best-selling author…

The challenge in defanging the Palestine laboratory

The challenge in defanging the Palestine laboratory

My new essay in the UK-based Middle East Eye examines my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, and also details the growing Israeli influence on Taiwan and other nation states. An extract: The Israeli defence industry inspires nations across the globe, many of which view themselves as under threat from external enemies. The Taiwanese foreign minister,…

Background Briefing interview on Palestine, Wikileaks and war crimes

Background Briefing interview on Palestine, Wikileaks and war crimes

My interview with the LA-based radio program, Background Briefing, on my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, the ongoing US persecution of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and a major win for truthful journalism last week in a case about war crimes in Afghanistan: Background Briefing with Ian Masters · Exporting the Technology of Repression and Australia’s…

Chatham House reviews The Palestine Laboratory

Chatham House reviews The Palestine Laboratory

Chatham House is one of Britain’s leading policy institutes. Its monthly magazine, The World Today, has published a review of my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, by the International Crisis Group Senior Analyst on Israel/Palestine, Mairav Zonszein. It’s a largely positive review with some pointed criticisms. It feels like 8 out of 10. Here’s an…

“The Harvard of anti-terrorism”

“The Harvard of anti-terrorism”

A long essay/quasi-review has been published in The Conversation by Monash University’s Kevin Foster. It’s an interesting read through the sordid history and present-day reality of Israel’s “security” policies. An extract: In The Palestine Laboratory, Loewenstein does not merely indict Israel for its failure to live up to the promise of its founding principles and…

The Canadian role in Israel’s endless occupation

The Canadian role in Israel’s endless occupation

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) interviewed me about my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, and we discussed how the occupation is being exported and the rise and importance of civil resistance to these weapons of war.

How Israeli phone hacking tool conquered the world

How Israeli phone hacking tool conquered the world

Israeli intelligence company Cellebrite is not well-known and yet it’s ubiquitous around the world. One of its main products is used to hack mobile phones, deployed by repressive regimes like Russia and China and countless Australian and US government departments. A section of my new book, The Palestine Laboratory, investigates Cellebrite. Declassified Australia has just…

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