Will Israel soon become a tipping point in American life?

The American mainstream is starting to awaken to Israeli madness. Andrew Sullivan, one of the country’s biggest bloggers, has been increasingly vocal in questioning the role of the Jewish state. Who else in the MSM is really doing so? The Netanyahu government has all but declared war on the Obama administration and then openly disses…

Israel can only show power by belittling others

Israel’s attempt at humiliating the Turkish ambassador has back-fired spectacularly. It is the moves of a little nation, not a democracy, a country that wants to embarrass Jews. If they think this is showing Zionist strength, they are sadly mistaken. The Haaretz editorial: Israel’s fury at critics of its policies in Gaza is not new.…

Israel initiates terrorism, says Turkey and Lebanon

This must be Israel’s wonderful outreach working wonders on friends and neighbours: The prime ministers of Turkey and Lebanon on Monday lashed out at Israeli violations of Lebanese airspace and air strikes in Gaza, warning they were undermining prospects for peace in the region. “Attacks on Lebanon is terrorism itself ”¦ We have to stand…

Turkey flexes its critical muscle towards Israel

Israel, behave yourself or face the growing wrath of once friendly nations: Turkish President Abdullah Gul told President Shimon Peres at a private meeting in Copenhagen on Friday that only after Israel takes action to improve the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip would he pay Israel a visit.

Gaza war is not forgotten in Turkey

Slowly but surely, Israel is starting to realise where it matters (in the back pocket) that its criminality will come at a steep price. Who truly wants to normalise relations with a state that brutalises another people (over and over again)? Tense relations between Israel and Turkey are weighing on local companies as exports between…

Zionist morality runs into some troubles with the truth

Israel is shocked, just shocked, that a Turkish TV program would depict Israeli troops as killers (“but we’re the most moral army in the world”). If you behave like thugs, you’ll be treated as such. Gazan farmers are still paying the price for this brutality: Thousands of Gazan farmers may be unable to replant their…

What any humane leader would think

Why Turkey will no longer remain silent in the face of Israeli crimes in Palestine. The Jewish state’s isolation over its barbarity grows. Over to you, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan: We are always telling them [Hamas)]to act differently, that we are for a two-state solution: Palestine and Israel. They have to accept this, but…

Some begin to grow up

Much of the global mainstream Jewish establishment still denies ethnic cleansing took place in 1948, but in some countries things are beginning to change: Challenging 90 years of institutionalized denial of the massacre and deportation of the Ottoman Empire’s indigenous Armenian community during WWI, tens of thousands of Turkish intellectuals, academics, writers, journalists and dissidents…

You can’t stop the debate

How to censor online speech one step at a time: A Turkish court has blocked access to the popular blog hosting service Blogger (Blogger.com and Blogspot.com owned by Google), since Friday, October 24th, 2008. According to BasBasBas.com, a Dutch blogger based in Istanbul, who alerted us to the issue: It is suspected that the reason…

Together we stand

This is the only kind of solidarity against web censorship that can pressure governments to re-consider their authoritarian ways: Turkish bloggers are closing their websites to protest against courts banning dozens of mainstream sites for carrying content deemed “immoral” or insulting to Turkey’s founding father. A grassroots “censuring the censors” movement has formed over the…

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