Blackwater is God’s new gift to perverted morality

The private military contractor is a key player in the post 9/11 world. This latest choice shows the complete moral collapse of a corporation that sells itself as an “efficient” and privatised player in the “war on terror”: The consortium in charge of restructuring the world’s most infamous private-security firm just added a new chief…

Jews fearful of other Jews not saluting Zionist flag nightly

Here’s yet another tale of dissenting Jewish opinion being quashed by a Zionist establishment that simply won’t tolerate any criticism of glorious Israel: For the second time in just six months, the City University of New York has become embroiled in scandal over the politics of the Israel-Palestine conflict. This week, the CUNY board of…

Of course America killed Bin Laden in Israeli-style thuggery

Robert Fisk is right: Bin Laden got his just deserts – those who live by the sword tend to die by the sword – but did he get the “justice” that President Obama talked about? Many Arabs – and this theme was taken up by the Arab press, which spoke of his “execution” – thought…

The West has much to learn post Bin Laden death

My following article appears in today’s ABC’s The Drum: The triumphalism after the American targeted assassination of Osama bin Laden is a sure sign that the US is incapable of understanding the significance of the painful years since September 11. We suffered and now you must, too. “I’ve never been so excited to see the…

Hizbollah ain’t a tumour for Arabs backing resistance

Lebanon is a fractured society partly controlled by Hizbollah. Many in the public back this reality and yet: Lebanon’s prime minister-designate Najib Mikati describes the powerful Hezbollah, whose backing was key to his nomination, as a “tumour,” in a 2008 US diplomatic cable revealed by a Lebanese daily on Tuesday. The billionaire businessman, who was…

Obama’s Israelification of foreign policy

Killing “enemies” whenever and wherever you want. That’s the Israeli way. Leading American journalist Jeremy Scahill writes that the US President has accelerated covert methods in the last years in a futile effort to safeguard America. The opposite result is guaranteed: Both President Bush and President Obama have reserved the right for US forces to…

Who believes White House story over Bin Laden? Most of MSM

Be skeptical, very skeptical: The White House Tuesday blamed “the fog of war” for conflicting statements in its recounting of the events surrounding the Abbottabad raid that killed Osama bin Laden, but the history of misstatements from U.S. government officials about various combat operations raises questions about whether briefers also were subjecting us to a…

What a real political party does; enforce human rights norms in Palestine

Following the circus of Sydney’s Marrickville council and its (brief) embrace of Palestinian rights through BDS, major questions remain; what will it take for a major political party, such as the Greens, to place human rights at the centre of its being? What excuses will be made to avoid this? And what “red lines” will…

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