Egyptians, we stand with you

Feel the fear in Israel and America. The Arab world is rising up. Decades of dictatorships are under threat. Tel Aviv and Washington have created a nexus of bigotry to support their goals. And now what do they have? Mass anger. Nice work. US Vice President Joe Biden talks about Mubarak being “moderate” and a…

This is the only logical outcome of us backing Mubarak for so long

Hossam el-Hamalawy, Egyptian writer and dissident: It’s too early to say how they will go. It’s a miracle how they continued past midnight yesterday in the face of fear and repression. But having said that, the situation has reached a level that everyone is fed up, seriously fed up. And even if security forces manage…

Fatah, US and Israel all conspire to kill independence

It just gets worse and worse. But really, what can be expected when one side of a conflict is funded, armed and backed by the occupier? One: British intelligence helped draw up a secret plan for a wide-ranging crackdown on the Islamist movement Hamas which became a security blueprint for the Palestinian Authority, leaked documents…

Blackwater helping us save the world

Look at what our world has created; mercenaries with government backing: Erik Prince, the founder of the international security giant Blackwater Worldwide, is backing an effort by a controversial South African mercenary firm to insert itself into Somalia’s bloody civil war by protecting government leaders, training Somali troops, and battling pirates and Islamic militants there,…

Goodbye jolly partition in Palestine

Strong Guardian editorial that peels back the two-state delusion constantly pushed by the political elites in the West: Gerald Kaufman once described Labour’s 1983 manifesto as the longest suicide note in history. If ever a set of documents merits this epithet, it is surely the one we publish today. Written by Palestinian officials, obtained by…

We should support Bradley Manning part 8753

Land of the free? Earlier today Jane Hamsher and David House visited the Quantico Marine Corps Base to visit accused WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning and deliver a petition protesting the conditions of his confinement. David House is on Quantico’s visitation list, and both he and Jane have been there before. Before today’s visit, Jane called…

Engaging Palestinian doctor Izzeldin Abuelaish

Palestinian doctor Izzeldin Abuelaish is a disarming figure. Born in Gaza and living for years in Israel – he’s now in Canada with his children – his recent tour to United States unleashed a tirade of abuse by The Angry Arab (“he is not very bright” etc). After spending time with the Dr yesterday here…

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