Fight GM crops and face US payback

There is a price to be paid for challenging the US. Moreover, working for American multinationals making mutant products is seemingly in the job description at the State Department: The US embassy in Paris advised Washington to start a military-style trade war against any European Union country which opposed genetically modified (GM) crops, newly released…

Not trusting Sweden

No wonder Wikileaks doesn’t trust Sweden: The secret cables, seen by The Daily Telegraph, disclose how Swedish officials wanted discussions about anti-terrorism operations kept from public scrutiny. They describe how officials from the Swedish Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a “strong degree of satisfaction with current informal information sharing arrangements” with…

The Tzvangirai, Mugabe, MSM and Wikileaks dance

The deluge of Wikileaks cables bring moral considerations. What is released? Is anybody at risk? Who takes responsibility? This discussion at WLCentral examines the issues in Zimbabwe and Morgan Tzvangirai’s meetings with US embassy officials. He is potentially facing treason charges. Where does Wikileaks fit into all this? If this is actually the method by…

Washington and Israel preparing to bomb Iran (to peace, of course)

The Wikileaks revelations just keep on coming, this time from Aftenposten. Barack Obama wanting to assist Israel strike Iran? Yes (via Richard Silverstein): Wikileaks cable describes a November, 2009 meeting between a high-level delegation of Israeli and American political, military and intelligence operatives. … On the agenda was the U.S. delivery of 100 bunker-buster bombs to…

Zionism as rejectionism

While the Economist says Barack Obama should simply impose a settlement in the Middle East, Israeli media is now reporting that the Israeli government isn’t even willing to look at documents presented by the corrupt Palestinian Authority. It’s a complete sham and the Zionist state continues to marinate in its own occupying juices.

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