Why Wikileaks matters part 9753

There is SO much about Wikileaks at the moment that it’s truly hard to keep up. The following is a select selection of some of the more revealing revelations, related stories and controversies. Laurie Oakes in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph: Julia Gillard couldn’t help herself. She had to join the chorus of American hard-liners calling for…

Assange reminds us who the real hero is

Fascinating Guardian organised online chat yesterday with Julian Assange: Fwoggie I’ll start the ball rolling with a question. You’re an Australian passport holder – would you want return to your own country or is this now out of the question due to potentially being arrested on arrival for releasing cables relating to Australian diplomats and…

Nice crime wave across the Zionist state

And the revelations continue: US Ambassador to Israel James Cunningham expressed concern with the growing threat of organized crime in Israel in a cable from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv leaked this week on the WikiLeaks website entitled “Israel, a promised land fore organized crime?” Cunningham questioned Israel’s ability to deal with the growing…

Australia is in Afghanistan to support this?

Oh what a glorious war: Britain’s four-year military stewardship of the troubled Helmand province has been scorned by President Hamid Karzai, top Afghan officials and the US commander of Nato troops, according to secret US diplomatic cables. The dispatches expose a devastating contempt for the British failure to impose security and connect with ordinary Afghans.…

Is Assange being an “anarchist” a bad thing?

Yet another mainstream media story focused on US “embarrassment” over the Wikileaks documents. What’s a corporate journalist to do when his/her main source (the government) is being pounding daily in the press? The United States scrambled to contain the fallout from the slow-motion leak of cables from its embassies worldwide Wednesday as new documents showed…

Wikileaks here to stay so take that

Looks like our censoring friends are going to have troubles bringing down Wikileaks: SHANE MCLEOD: Wikileaks says its founder Julian Assange is going to stay in hiding because he may be at risk of being assassinated. A spokeswoman for the website says the Australian citizen will maintain a low profile amidst calls by some for…

What’s a few cluster bombs between mates?

Another revelation to confirm our belief in the robust democratic beliefs of the US and Britain: British and American officials colluded in a plan to hoodwink parliament over a proposed ban on cluster bombs, the Guardian can disclose. According to leaked US embassy dispatches, David Miliband, who was Britain’s foreign secretary under Labour, approved the…

Where’s the media guts over Wikileaks?

My following article appears on ABC Unleashed today: The rolling revelations of the WikiLeaks US embassy cables will continue for months but equally interesting is the reaction of the global media. Many in the British media establishment, not given advance look at the documents, fumed against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and repeated government spin that…

Wikileaks unloads on the vestiges of our faux democracy

The UK Guardian is doing wonderful work this week, publishing a litany of information over the Wikileaks dump. Every day brings huge new revelations, leaving so many in the mainstream media simply ignoring the best bits (hello ABC Radio’s AM today, utterly shunning anything about the issues). One: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange wanted to expose…

Amazon crushes free speech and we’re watching

This is a disgrace and shows the utterly spinelessness of some in corporate America. We will not forget: The United States struck its first blow against WikiLeaks after Amazon.com pulled the plug on hosting the whistleblowing website in an apparent reaction to heavy political pressure. The main website and a sub-site devoted to the diplomatic…

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