Livni hopes that the noble Zionist state will still inspire

In case any readers think that Israel’s opposition leader, Tzipi Livni, is a “moderate” leader who would bring peace to the Middle East, think again. Apart from the fact that the Tablet writer seems to be upset that American Jews don’t understand (enjoy?) military service and the apparently necessary role of killing Arabs, it is…

Hello fascism, the radical right and Judaism

The strange and disturbing mix of radical Zionism, hatred of Muslims, neo-conservatism and increasingly mainstream politics: The English Defence League, a far-right grouping aimed at combating the “Islamification” of British cities, has developed strong links with the American Tea Party movement. An Observer investigation has established that the EDL has made contact with anti-jihad groups…

But there are no Middle East “peace talks”

This is pathetic. Once again, Washington is seen to be begging its client state, Israel, to please continue the non-existent settlement “freeze” for another two months. Yes, laughing is the only sane response: Senior White House officials told a group of Jewish lawmakers Wednesday morning that the Obama administration is pushing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin…

How much death can billions buy?

War is Business blog unpacks the true cost of our conflicts: At the start of the Iraq invasion, the US military spent twice as much on its own personnel as it did on procurement from private sources. Within a few years’ time, the military was spending three times as much on outside contractors as on…

Yet more signs of an insecure Islamic leadership

Why does Tehran continue playing into America and Israel’s hands? Repression is a bad look, politically and morally repulsive: Reporters Without Borders is outraged that the Iranian government is reinforcing and extending its online censorship and repression of netizens. Several news and information websites have been blocked in the past few days including those of…

Is a social impact bond more than just a buzz world?

An interesting idea and one to consider as an alternative to the rampant privatisation agenda pushed by both major sides of politics in the Western world: Help the unemployed! Cut spending! Provide a safety net! No new taxes! America expects the impossible of government right now, if campaign events are any indication. But what if…

Dershowitz in Sydney calls for quick little bombing run of Iran

Last night in Sydney – and what an event to miss! – Sydney Morning Herald political editor Peter Hartcher interviewed Alan Dershowitz. Hartcher is a perfect person, being a close friend of the lobby (along with receiving free trips to Israel). Sounds like there were too many “highlights” to mention but this stands out: Dershowitz…

Grass-roots populism backed by hard-right ideologues

Frank Rich in the New York Times on the billionaires running the Tea Party movement: Election Day is now only a month away. The demoralized Democrats are held hostage by the unemployment numbers. And along comes this marvelous gift out of nowhere, Christine O’Donnell, Tea Party everywoman, who just may be the final ingredient needed…

Telling Obama to shove his wars where the sun don’t shine

Late last week U.S. military veterans hung an enormous banner on the front of the Newseum in Washington, DC, wrapping their message around the First Amendment. Several Veterans for Peace dropped the banner down the front of the Newseum, while others distributed special edition copies of the War Crimes Times, explaining the action and what…

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